
Censors Delete Viral “Kong Yiji Literature” Anthem

Every movement needs its anthem. In the now-censored musical parody “Sunny Side Kong Yiji,” the emergent “Kong Yiji literature” wave seems to have found one of its own. “Kong Yiji literature” is a genre of self-deprecating...

Netizens Decry The Display Of Their IP Addresses

Several of China’s largest social media companies including Weibo, Douyin, Toutiao, Zhihu, Kuaishou, and Xiaohongshu have announced that they will display users’ IP addresses. The measure, which will affect the majority of...

Shopping With Your Girlfriend, For The 18th Time

For Tea Leaf Nation, Yale University student Xiaoying Zhou translates a recent blog post from a Peking University student that went viral to the tune of more than 26,000 shares as of Wednesday. While disguised as a...

America: a ‘Foolish and Backward Nation’

As Hillary Clinton visits China, Tea Leaf Nation’s David Wertime translates an anonymous satirical essay on America’s many supposed failings compared with the author’s native China. The post also appears at The...

Little Rabbit Be Good

World Policy Journal profiles cartoonist Pi San, who has created numerous popular animations featuring a little boy, Kuang Kuang, including a satirical take on a children’s song, Little Rabbit Be Good: Pi San’s gift for...

Internet a Land of Opportunity for Chinese Cartoonists

As China’s online population of netizens continues to grow, NPR reports that Chinese cartoonists have used the web as a platform to take aim at the Communist Party as never before: Political cartoons have emerged over the...

Lei Feng: Hero For Today’s China?

Monday marked the official observance of Learn From Lei Feng Day in China, a holiday initiated by Mao Zedong in 1962 which turned a dead young soldier into a folk hero, and the central government has revved up the propaganda...



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