【编者注】《环球时报》在将社评《特朗普休想从“中国肥羊”身上割肉》翻译成英语的时候,省略了小部分似乎是写给中国读者的内容,如“[特朗普]深知美国人已经变懒了”、“中国社会迎接这场斗争的团结度肯定要大大高于特朗普那边”等《环时》招牌修辞。缺失内容由编者用”{{ }}“标出。



不管他是不是这么想的,中国都需在特朗普上任之初坚决回应他的任何不合理要求,对他实际伤害中国利益的行动进行毫不迟疑的报复,不要担心那会影响中美关系的氛围。{{特朗普最喜欢制造冲突,在冲突中赢得风头和利益。}} 中方如果过多表现对中美关系氛围的珍惜,只会促使他变本加厉。


No matter what Trump thinks, China must be determined to upset his unreasonable requests at his early time in office, and fight back if his moves harm China’s interests, regardless of the consequences to the dynamics of the Sino-US relationship. If China behaves soft-heartedly for the greater good of the bilateral ties, it will only embolden Trump to be more aggressive.



{{无论谁入主白宫,美国与中国战略对撞都是明摆着的下下策,不符合美国全社会的利益。}} 所以可以肯定地说,特朗普在推特发言中戳中国的底线只是佯攻,他最感兴趣的是把中国看成一只肥羊,并且割一块肉下来。特朗普要重振美国经济,{{但是他深知美国人已经变懒了}},竞争力远不如前,他繁荣美国的最佳办法看上去是要从外面“抢”。




Trump’s China-bashing tweet is just a cover for his real intent, which is to treat China as a fat lamb and cut a piece of meat off it. Trump wants to revive US economy, but he knows that his country is not as competitive as it used to be. He is trying to pillage other countries for the prosperity of the US. Trump sems to be wanting to make the US a new economic empire in the 21st century under his leadership, which is about to smash current world economic order. However, he doesn’t know that the US is the biggest beneficiary from the current world order, and he wants to reshape the world order into a winner-takes-all one.





China should brace itself for the possible fluctuations of the Sino-US relationship after Trump is sworn in. We must confront Trump’s provocations head-on, and make sure he won’t take advantage of China at the beginning of his tenure. This initial period will set the foundation for the Sino-US relationship in the next four years.