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大家好!距离上次的翻译报告已经有两个多月的时间了。在此期间,与TED以及TEDtoChina有关的大事依旧是不断:2010年TED大奖的获得人Jamie Oliver关于食物改革的真人秀在美国成功上映;TEDtoChina的上海沙龙圆满闭幕;TED的“蓝色使命之旅”(Blue Mission Voyage)正如火如荼地进行着;TEDx1KG也正紧张地筹备着,即将召开。除此之外,还有两条特别跟翻译计划有关的好消息要跟大家分享:一是来自香港中文大學的Derek Sit同学正式加入我们的翻译小组,协助译者的沟通管理以及报道繁体中文的翻译进程;二是在过去的一个月里,共有80简体中文翻译被发布,位居所有语言之首,甚至力压翻译总数居首的西班牙语。可喜可贺,再接再厉!:)


赵林(Zachary Lin Zhao)

赵林(Zachary Lin Zhao)是美国科尔盖特大学(Colgate University)的学生,主修经济学和心理学。童年在中国,少年在新加坡,成年在美国。对王菲痴狂,对TED着迷。最大的梦想是踏访每一个国家。短期的生活目标包括学好网球、搞好学业、办好TCTC – TED Chinese Translators’ Coalition.
联络方式:OTP at TEDtoChina dot com

1. TED开放翻译计划的全球更新情况。



  1. 西班牙语 602
  2. 保加利亚语 467
  3. 葡萄牙语(巴西) 437
  4. 简体中文 362 (不变)
  5. 阿拉伯语 338
  6. 法语 306
  7. 意大利语 298
  8. 韩语 277
  9. 罗马尼亚语 254
  10. 日语 248
  11. 土耳其语 235
  12. 波兰语 230
  13. 希伯来语 218
  14. 俄语 210
  15. 德语 209
  16. 繁体中文 184 (不变)


  • 全部数量:667 (+8.28%)
  • 等待认领翻译的数量:126 (-11.89%)
  • 已认领,正在翻译中的数量:57 (-54.03%)
  • 翻译完,等待校对的数量:65 (+80.56%)
  • 校对中的数量:16 (-40.74%)
  • 正式发布的数量:362 (+42.52%)
  • 暂时无法认领的数量:41 (+28.13%)


3.繁體中文演講的統計數據 (由Derek Sit撰写)

  • 全部數量:666 (+8.12%)
  • 等待認領翻譯的數量:295 (-9.51%)
  • 已認領,正在翻譯中的數量:80 (+19.40%)
  • 翻譯完,等待校對的數量:64 (+100%)
  • 校對中的數量:15 (-25.00%)
  • 正式發布的數量:177 (+27.34%)
  • 暫時無法認領的數量:35 (+9.38%)

繁體翻譯組的表現令人鼓舞. 首先我們可看到全部數量的增長率由上期大約4%到本期8%, 增長率勢頭良好.等待認領翻譯的數量下降9.51%. 上期同比下降率為6.05%, 可見有許多的熱心的翻譯者加入到我們的翻譯工作中來.而翻譯完, 等待校對的數量更是有100%的增長, 尤勝於本期簡體中文翻譯組的表現(80.56%). 正式發佈的數量為177, 與上期保持相近的增長速度(27.34%). 總而言之, 繁體中文翻譯的表現雖然沒有大驚喜, 但一向穩健. 相信假以時日, 隨著TED在華人地區影響力日增, 會有更多的繁體翻譯者加入我們的行列.

4. 最新等待校对的演讲


1. Barry Schuler: Genomics 101

What’s happening in genomics, and how this revolution is about to change everything we knowabout the world, life, ourselves, and how we think about them.

If you saw 2001: A Space Odyssey, and you heard the boom, boom, boom, boom, and you saw the monolith, you know, that was Arthur C. Clarke’s representation that we were at a seminal moment in the evolution of our species. In this case, it was picking up bones and creating a tool, using it as a tool, which meant that apes just, sort of, running around and eating and doing each other figured out they can make things if they used a tool. And that moved us to the next level.

基因组学中正在发生什么 这场革命将如何改变我们对世界,对生命,对自身的认知以及我们对这场革命的思考

如果你看过<2001太空漫游> 你听到了隆隆声,看到了巨石碑 在亞瑟·查理斯·克拉克(《2001太空漫遊》原著作者)的表述中 我们都处于人类物种进化的重要阶段 在电影中,这是指举起骨头同时创造了一个工具 把骨头当作工具使用意味着猿在某种意义上 在四处游荡,觅食和互相做爱时 已意识到他们可以使用工具来制作东西 这把我们推进到下一个水平

2. Ben Saunders skis to the North Pole

This is me. My name is Ben Saunders. I specialize in dragging heavy things around cold places.

On May 11th last year, I stood alone at the North geographic Pole. I was the only human being in an area one-and-a-half times the size of America; five-and-a-half thousand square miles.More than 2,000 people have climbed Everest. 12 people have stood on the moon. Including me, only four people have skied solo to the North Pole. And I think the reason for that — (Applause) — thank you — I think the reason for that is that it’s — it’s — well, it’s as Chris said, bonkers. It’s a journey that is right at the limit of human capability. I skied the equivalent of 31 marathons back to back. 800 miles in 10 weeks. And I was dragging all the food I needed, the supplies, the equipment, sleeping bag, one change of underwear — everything I needed for nearly three months. (Laughter) What we’re going to try and do today, in the 16 and a bit minutes I’ve got left, is to try and answer three questions. The first one is, why? The second one is, how do you go to the loo at minus 40. “Ben, I’ve read somewhere that at minus 40, exposed skin becomes frostbitten in less than a minute, so how do you answer the call of nature?” I don’t want to answer these now. I’ll come on to them at the end.Third one: how do you top that? What’s next?


去年5月11日,我独自一人站在北极点上。在那片有一个半美国大的大地上,在那片5500平方英里的地方,我是唯一的人类。有2000多人登上过珠穆朗玛峰。有12个人曾站立在月球上。而包括我在内,只有4个人曾独自一人滑雪撬去过北极。而我认为这是因为 –(鼓掌)– 谢谢 — 我认为这是因为 –就像克里斯说的那样,傻瓜。这是一段考验人类极限的旅程。我滑的距离相当于31个马拉松来回,10周滑了800英里。我拖着所有所需的食物,日用品,装备,睡袋,和一套换洗的内衣——这些是我在三个月的必需品(笑声)而在剩下的16分钟多一点的时间里,我们要做的,就是尝试回答三个问题。第一个:为什么?第二个:你怎样在零下40度的条件下上厕所。“本,我知道在零下四十度的时候,暴露的皮肤会在一分钟内冻伤,所以你是怎么解决内急的?”我现在先不回答这个问题,等到最后再告诉你们。第三个:你是怎样完成的?下一项挑战是什么?

3. Bill Joy: What I’m worried about, what I’m excited about

What technology can we really apply to reducing global poverty? And what I found was quite surprising. We started looking at things like death rates in the 20th century, and how they’d been improved, and very simple things turned out.You’d think maybe antibiotics made more difference than clean water, but it’s actually the opposite. And so very simple things — off-the-shelf technologies that we could easily find on the then-early Web — would clearly make a huge difference to that problem.


4. Bill Stone explores the world’s deepest caves

First place I’d like to take you is what many believe will be the world’s deepest natural abyss.And I say believe because this process is still ongoing. Right now there are major expeditions being planned for next year that I’ll talk a little bit about.

One of the things that’s changed here, in the last 150 years since Jules Verne had great science-fiction concepts of what the underworld was like, is that technology has enabled us to go to these places that were previously completely unknown and speculated about. We can now descend thousands of meters into the Earth with relative impunity. Along the way we’ve discovered fantastic abysses and chambers so large that you can see for hundreds of meters without a break in the line of sight. When you go on a thing like this, we can usually be in the field for anywhere from two to four months, with a team of as small as 20 or 30, to as big as 150.

我要带大家去的第一个地方是一个天然的深渊,许多人相信它以后会变成世界最深之渊。我说相信是因为这个探索过程还未结束。现在我在策划明年的几个主要探险活动 关于这个我会做些介绍

现在,发生的变化之一是 在近150年里,自从儒勒•凡尔纳在科幻小说里定义了地底世界的样子后, 科技已使我们能够到达一些地方 这些地方是我们先前完全不知且不能预料的。现在我们深入地球几千米而安然无恙。沿途我们发现了大得异乎寻常的深渊和岩洞。在岩洞里你能远望几百米而不被挡住视线。当做一件这样的事情时,我们经常在一个地方 不管是哪儿,待二至四个月,队伍规模小时二三十人,大时有一百五十人。

5. Brewster Kahle builds a free digital library

We really need to put the best we have to offer within reach of our children. If we don’t do that, we’re going to get the generation we deserve.They’re going to learn from whatever it is they have around them.

And we, as now the elite, parents, librarians, professionals, whatever it is, a bunch of our activities are, in fact, in trying to get the best we have to offer within reach of those around us, or as broadly as we can. I’m going to start and end this talk with a couple things that are carved in stone.One is what’s on the Boston Public Library. Carved above their door is, “Free to All.” It’s kind of an inspiring statement, and I’ll go back at the end of this. I’m a librarian, and what I’m trying to do is bring all of the works of knowledge to as many people as want to read it. And the idea of using technology is perfect for us. I think we have the opportunity to one-up the Greeks. It’s not easy to one-up the Greeks. But with the industriousness of the Egyptians, they were able to build the Library of Alexandria — the idea of a copy of every book of all the peoples of the world. The problem was, you actually had to go to Alexandria to go to it. On other hand, if you did, then great things happened.I think we can one-up the Greeks and achieve something. And I’m going to try to argue only one point today: that universal access to all knowledge is within our grasp. So if I’m successful, then you’ll actually come away thinking, yeah, we could actually achieve the great vision of everything ever published, everything that was ever meant for distribution, available to anybody in the world that’s ever wanted to have access to it.


而我们同当代的社会精英、家长、图书管理员、专业人士、以及其他各界人士,事实上已经开展了一系列的活动,从而尽可能地提供最好的资讯给周遭的人,或是我们能遍及的更大的范围。在这个演讲中,从头至尾我会讲述两块刻字石碑的故事。一块位于波士顿公共图书馆。图书馆的大门上刻着”一切都是免费的“ 这种说法让人深受启发,我们会在演讲即将结束时再次回顾这句话。我是一个图书管理员,我尽力地把所有的知识以及作品提供给需要阅读它们的人。运用现代科技是十分理想的。我认为我们有机会超越希腊人。想要超越希腊人是不容易的。但依靠埃及人的勤勉,他们得以建成亚历山大图书馆——这个收藏世界上每本书的梦想。问题是,你需要去亚历山大图书馆才能看到这一切。另一个方面,如果你真这么做了,那么大事就要发生了。我认为我们可以比希腊人更胜一筹,去实现某些梦想。今天我打算只探讨一个观点:把我们可以获得的所有知识提供给所有人。如果我成功了,你一定会这样想,是的,我们的确可以实现将所有已经出版,或想要发表的知识,呈现给世界上所有需要他们的人的伟大梦想。

繁體中文:(由Derek Sit撰写)


1. David Gallo on life in the deep oceans


David Gallo: This is Bill Lange. I’m Dave Gallo. And we’re going to tell you some stories from the sea here in video. We’ve got some of the most incredible video of the Titanic that’s ever been seen, and we’re not going to show you any of it.
The truth of the matter is that the Titanic — even though it’s breaking all sorts of box office records –it’s not the most exciting story from the sea. And the problem, I think, is that we take the ocean for granted. When you think about it, the oceans are 75 percent of the planet. Most of the planet’s ocean water- The average depth is about two miles. Part of the problem, I think, is we stand at the beach or we see images like this of the ocean, and you look out at this great big blue expanse and it’s shimmering and it’s moving and there’s waves and there’s surf and there’s tides, but you have no idea for what lies in there.

大衛‧髙羅:這位是比爾‧蘭奇。 我是大衛‧髙羅。我們將透過影片告訴你們一些來自海洋的故事。 我們有一些關於鐵達尼號且從未公開的不可思議影片。

2. Derek Sivers: How to start a movement


So, ladies and gentlemen, at TED we talk a lot about leadership and how to make a movement. So let’s watch a movement happen, start to finish, in under three minutes and dissect some lessons from it.
First, of course you know, a leader needs the guts to stand out and be ridiculed. But what he’s doing is so easy to follow. So here’s his first follower with a crucial role. He’s going to show everyone else how to follow.
Now, notice that the leader embraces him as an equal. So, now it’s not about the leader anymore; it’s about them, plural. Now, there he is calling to his friends. Now, if you notice that the first follower
is actually an underestimated form of leadership in itself. It takes guts just to stand out like that. The first follower is what transforms a lone nut into a leader. (Laughter)

各位觀看TED的先生女士. 我們談過該如何領導和造就群眾運動. 所以接著看3分鐘內一個群眾運動的誕生, 並從中分析學習. 剛開始的領導人需要膽識.他要站出來並接受嘲笑.但他的動作很容易學習.所以第一個追隨者出現,他的角色很重要.他要讓大家看到如何跟上.注意,領導者擁抱他以示平等.現在不再是領導者一個人的活動了.現在是”他們”的活動.然後他叫上了朋友.留意第一個跟隨者
其實他有領導才能,但被低估了.光是跟著站出來也需要膽識.第一個跟隨者把一個瘋子變成了領袖 (笑聲)

3. Daniel Kahneman: The riddle of experience vs. memory


Everybody talks about happiness these days. I had somebody count the number of books with “happiness” in the title published in the last five years and they gave up after about 40, and there were many more. There is a huge wave of interest in happiness, among researchers. There is a lot of happiness coaching. Everybody would like to make people happier. But in spite of all this flood of work, there are several cognitive traps that sort of make it almost impossible to think straight about happiness


4. John Gerzema: The post-crisis consumer


13 trillion dollars in wealth has evaporated over the course of the last two years. We’ve questioned the future of capitalism. We’ve questioned the financial industry. We’ve looked at our government oversight. We’ve questioned where we’re going. And yet, at the same time, this very well may be a seminal moment in American history, an opportunity for the consumer to actually take control and guide us to a new trajectory in America.


5. Eric Mead: The magic of the placebo


For some time I have been interested in the placebo effect, which might seem like an odd thing for a magician to be interested in, unless you think of it in the terms that I do, which is “something fake is believed in enough by somebody that it becomes something real.” In other words, sugar pills have a measurable effect in certain kinds of studies, the placebo effect, just because the person thinks that what’s happening to them is a pharmaceutical or some sort of a … For pain management, for example, if they believe it enough there is a measurable effect in the body called the placebo effect. Something fake becomes something real because of someone’s perception of it.

這一陣子我對安慰劑效應感興趣。 就一個魔術師而言,對安慰劑效應有興趣,似乎是件奇怪的事。 不過,如果你跟我用同樣的態度看待它── 如果有足夠多的人, 相信一件捏造出的事, 那麼這事就會變成真的。 換句話說,糖果在某些研究裡,有能被量度的藥效, 也就是「安慰劑效應」, 只是因為人們認為, 在他們身上發生的效果,是藥效, 或是其他一些…… 以疼痛控制為例, 如果病人對「藥物對身體有效」──也被稱做安慰劑效應── 有足夠的信念, 某些假的效果,就會變成真的, 因為有人相信它。


我们也建立了一个共享文档 《TED开放翻译计划中文进展一览表》,列出了中文简体和繁体的翻译清单,列出了不同的状态,对于有兴趣参与开放翻译计划的朋友,这份文件会是一个非常有用的指南。我们会定期更新这份文档。这个文档的网址是:http://otp.tedtochina.com,请大家广泛传播。

我们的邮箱地址是OTP at TEDtoChina dot com,请完成翻译和有兴趣校对的朋友联络此邮箱。或者加入我们专门为TED中文译者开放的Google讨论组:http://groups.google.com/group/TEDtranslators


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