从前看到过Kuei-hsiang Hsu( Senior Secretary and Deputy Director of the Mongolian Affairs Dept., MTAC;Ph.D., National Chengchi University)在研究报告中说:“In the 10th round of border talk held in 1996, China proposed to exchange 495 sq km area of Pasamlung and Jakarlung valleys in the northern borders of Bhutan for Sinchulumpa, Dramana and Shakhtoe with an area of 269 sq km in the north-west Bhutan, which share borders with Sikkim, India, but no final decision was taken.”…大意是说中不第10轮在1996年举行,中国提出用Pasamlung和Jakarlung山谷,总面积为495平方公里交换不丹西北部的269平方公里的地方,这一部分是与锡金、印度接壤的Sinchulumpa(Gieu Chhu河谷),Dramana和Shakhtoe,但没有作出最后决定。