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发布时间:2011年06月22日,  已有 2 人推荐

来源焦点视野 – 中国的干旱和洪水(多图)

Huge parts of China have been affected by some of the worst drought conditions in decades. Fishermen, farmers, and wildlife have been enduring hardships for months now. In an effort to alleviate the crisis, China’s Three Gorges Dam has been discharging water to the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. However, since early June, a series of torrential rainstorms has been pounding southern China, overwhelming parched farmlands and triggering some of the worst flooding since 1955. So far, 175 have been reported dead and 86 missing. Chinese officials say they plan to double investments in water conservation projects, as the country deals with a shortage of 40 billion cubic meters of water each year. Gathered below are recent images from China, a nation that has been coping first with too little water, then with far too much. [38 photos]


Farmer Lu Keshuang holds his rake as he takes a break from turning the soil in his drought-affected field near the village of Zhuanghuyu, located 80 kilometers north of Beijing, on February 23, 2011. China’s long drought in northern wheat areas has been alleviated by recent heavy rains. (Reuters/David Gray)

在离北京北方80公里的庄户峪村,老汉鲁克双(音译)正握着他的钉耙小憩。他刚刚翻完自己那片受旱的农田。由于近期大雨的帮忙,经历长期干旱的北方小麦产区的情况得到好转。2011.02.23(路透社/David Gray)

A boat is seen stranded on the cracked bed of a dried area of Xieshan, which is part of Poyang Lake in east China’s Jiangxi Province May 4, 2011. (Reuters/China Daily) #


A dead turtle lies on a dried riverbank of the Yangtze River under the Jiujiang Yangtze River Bridge in Jiujiang in Jiangxi Province, China, on June 2, 2011. (AP Photo/ Eugene Hoshiko) #

在江西九江长江大桥下,一只死去的乌龟趴在河岸边。2011.06.02 (美联社/Eugene Hoshiko)

Water drips from a sprinkler head near residential apartment buildings in Beijing, China, on Thursday, March 24, 2011. China plans to double its investment in water conservation projects as cities face shortages. Minister of Water Resources Chen Lei says two-thirds of Chinese cities have trouble accessing water. Every year the country is short of 40 billion cubic meters of water. (AP Photo/Andy Wong) #

在北京一处居民小区附近,一个洒水器龙头正滴着水。为了缓解城市缺水问题,中国正计划投入两倍于往年的投资用于水利项目。水利部部长陈雷表示,国内三分之二的城市面临取水难。我国每年缺水量达到400亿立方米。2011.03.24 (美联社/Andy Wong)

In this photo taken June 2, 2011, a fishing boat is left abandoned in the bottom of the dried-up Poyang Lake, a vast wetland turned dry by China’s worst drought in decades, in Xingzi in Jiangxi Province, China. (AP Photo/Eugene Hoshiko) #

这张照片拍摄于江西省星子县,一艘渔船被遗弃在鄱阳湖干涸的湖底。由于数十年未遇的严重干旱,大片湿地变干。2011.06.02  (美联社/Eugene Hoshiko)

Villagers irrigate a wheat field with water collected from a nearby pond in drought-affected Songxian county, Henan province February 22, 2011. China’s drought-hit wheat-growing areas shrank further as of Sunday as irrigation expanded, the Ministry of Agriculture said on Monday. (Reuters/Donald Chan) #

在遭遇旱情的河南嵩县,村民们用附近池塘的水来灌溉麦地。农业部周一表示,从周日起,由于加大了灌溉力度,中国受旱小麦产区面积进一步减小。2011.02.22 (路透社/Donald Chan)

A man walks on a river shoal, which appeared after the water level of the Yangtze River declined, as the city of Wuhan is seen in the background, in Wuhan, Hubei province, on May 26, 2011. (Reuters/Stringer) #

一个男子从河边的沙滩走过,这里是长江水位下降后才出现的。在他的身后是武汉市。2011.05.26 (路透社/Stringer)

A fishing boat lies stranded among fishing poles, which are normally almost completely underwater at this time of the year, at Honghu Lake, near Honghu city in central China’s Hubei province, on May 29, 2011. (Reuters/David Gray) #

湖北洪湖,一艘渔船搁浅在捕鱼点。往年,这里通常几乎完全被水淹没。2011.05.29 (路透社/David Gray)

A farmer squats in a dried-up pool in Huangpi district of Wuhan, central China’s Hubei province, on May 25, 2011. (AP Photo/Xinhua, Zheng Feng) #

一位农民蹲坐在武汉黄陂一处开裂的水塘上。2011.05.25(美联社/新华社 Zheng Feng)

In this photo taken June 2, 2011, a bird observation platform stands in the dried-up Poyang Lake, a vast wetland turned dry by China’s worst drought in decades, in Yongxiu in Jiangxi Province, China. (AP Photo/ Eugene Hoshiko) #

江西永修,观鹤亭独立于干涸的鄱阳湖。 由于数十年未遇的严重干旱,大片湿地变干。2011.06.02  (美联社/Eugene Hoshiko)

A girl puts on her boots near a flooded tunnel in Wuhan, Hubei province, on June 18, 2011. More than one million people in China have been evacuated following downpours that have raised water levels in rivers to critical highs, and triggered floods and landslides. Summer rains have left more than 150 people dead or missing so far, and weather authorities warned that flood-hit areas across the southern half of China would experience a fresh round of heavy rainfall. (Reuters/Darley Wong) #

一个小女孩在湖北武汉一条被水淹没的通道旁穿雨靴。由于瓢泼大雨致使河流水位达到警戒线,并引发洪水和泥石流,中国已有超过100万人被迫转移。目前,这场夏雨已使逾150人丧生或失踪。气象部门警告说,南方大半受洪灾地区还将面临新一轮暴雨的威胁。2011.6.18 (路透社/Darley Wong)

People trapped by flood water wait to be rescued from the Fuxing Wood Industry Co. building on June 6, 2011, in Jiujiang, Jiangxi Province, China. (ChinaFotoPress/Getty Images) #

在江西九江福兴木业公司大楼楼顶,被洪水围困的百姓正在等待救援。2011.06.06(CFP/Getty Images)

A paramilitary policeman walks on a bridge in the flood-hit Wangmo county, Guizhou province June 6, 2011. In the southwest province of Guizhou, the easing of drought swung to flooding that killed 9 people and left 13 missing in Wangmo County. Torrential rains there overwhelmed the local river and flooded the county seat and other towns, forcing 6,000 people to leave, Xinhua news agency reported. (Reuters/China Daily) #

在遭遇洪灾的贵州省望谟县,一名武警战士正走过一座桥。在贵州西南地区,原先的干旱被洪水所取代,望谟乡共有9人死亡,13人失踪。据新华社报道,连日大雨使得当地河流水位猛涨,多个乡镇被淹没,6000人被迫转移。2011.06.06 (路透社/中国日报)

A flooded area is seen in Sanjiangkou village, Zhejiang provincem on June 18, 2011. (Reuters/Carlos Barria) #

浙江三江口村一片被洪水淹没的区域。2011.06.18 (路透社/Carlos Barria)

Residents take pictures on the banks of a flooding river after heavy rainfalls in Dexing, Jiangxi province, on June 6, 2011. (Reuters/China Daily) #

暴雨过后,江西德兴县的几位居民在洪水泛滥的河边拍照。2011.06.06 (路透社/中国日报)

Ducklings rest on pieces of floating debris from a house damaged by the floods in Sanjiangkou village, Zhejiang province, on June 18, 2011. (Reuters/Carlos Barria) #

在浙江省三江口村,几只小鸭子在被洪水摧毁的房屋碎片上休息。 2011.06.18(路透社/Carlos Barria)

A man paddles through a flooded area in Banshan Cun, Zhejiang province, on June 17, 2011. Pelting rain in parts of central and southern China has forced hundreds of thousands of people to leave their homes and prompted the government to demand safety checks on vulnerable dams, news reports said on Thursday. (Reuters/Carlos Barria) #

一位男子从浙江半山村洪区划船而过。周四有媒体报道,暴雨已迫使中国中部和南部部分地区的数万人离开家园,并促使政府对当地脆弱的水坝进行安全检查。2011.06.17(路透社/Carlos Barria)

A Chinese man stands at the foot of a mountain damaged by a landslide which hit Linxiang, central China’s Hunan province, on June 12, 2011. (STR/AFP/Getty Images) #

湖南临湘,一位老人站在发生泥石流的山脚下。2011.06.12 (STR/AFP/Getty Images)

Damaged terraces and homes after flood water swept through Linxiang, central China’s Hunan province, on June 11, 2011. (STR/AFP/Getty Images) #

洪水肆虐之后,湖南临湘一片狼藉,大片梯田和房屋被毁。2011.06.11 (STR/AFP/Getty Images)

A woman shovels mud at her house after a landslide triggered by heavy rainfalls in Linxiang, Hunan province, on June 11, 2011. (Reuters/Darley Wong) #

在暴雨引发的泥石流过后,湖南临湘的一位妇女在清理家中的淤泥。2011.06.11 (路透社/Darley Wong)

Residents smoke as they sit amid the debris after a landslide triggered by heavy rainfalls in Linxiang, Hunan province June 11, 2011. (Reuters/Darley Wong) #

湖南临湘的几位村民坐在废墟之间抽烟。2011.06.11 (路透社/Darley Wong)

A Chinese woman grieves during a mass funeral for victims of the floods in Linxiang, central China’s Hunan province, on June 11, 2011. (STR/AFP/Getty Images) #

在临湘的一场集体葬礼上,一位妇女悲痛不已。2011.06.11 (STR/AFP/Getty Images)

A man paddles a boat through a flooded area in Banshan Cun, Zhejiang province, on June 17, 2011. (Reuters/Carlos Barria) #

一位男子从浙江半山村洪区划船而过。2011.06.17(路透社/Carlos Barria)

People make their way through flood water in Lanxi, east China’s Zhejiang province, on June 20, 2011. (STR/AFP/Getty Images) #

在浙江兰溪,人们淌着洪水出行。2011.06.20 (STR/AFP/Getty Images)

A resident carries a man on his back through a flooded area in Moshan village, Zhejiang province, on June 19, 2011. (Reuters/Carlos Barria) #

浙江磨山的一位居民背着同伴走过被洪水淹没的区域。2011.06.19(路透社/Carlos Barria)

A bus drives through a flooded street after heavy rainfall on June 18, 2011 in Wuhan, Hubei Province of China. (ChinaFotoPress/Getty Images) #

暴雨过后,武汉一辆巴士在被水淹没的道路上艰难前行。2011.06.18(CFP/Getty Images)

Residents climb ladders to get to higher ground from a flooded tunnel in Wuhan, Hubei province, on June 18, 2011. (Reuters/Darley Wong) #

武汉市民爬梯登高,以躲避满是洪水的通道。2011.06.18 (路透社/Darley Wong)

Chinese students make their way across a flooded school compound walking along a row of chairs, in Wuhan, in central China’s Hubei province on June 18, 2011. (STR/AFP/Getty Images) #

在武汉一所学校,一排板凳,帮助学生们通过被洪水淹没的操场。2011.06.18 (路透社/STR/AFP/Getty Images)

Chinese workers try to clear their store of floodwater along a street in Wuhan, in central China’s Hubei province, on June 18, 2011. (STR/AFP/Getty Images) #

武汉街边一家小店的店员正在往外掏清店内的积水。2011.06.18 (STR/AFP/Getty Images)

A woman holds her son at an evacuation center for people affected by floods in the area around Sanjiangkou village, Zhejiang province, on June 18, 2011. (Reuters/Carlos Barria) #

在三江口村安置点,一位母亲抱着自己年幼的儿子。2011.06.18(路透社/Carlos Barria)

Farmers pick watermelons inside a plastic tent at a flooded field in Kaihua county, Zhejiang province, on June 15, 2011. (Reuters/Lang Lang) #

一位农民在自己浙江开化的暖棚内,抢摘西瓜。2011.06.18 (路透社/Lang Lang)

Vehicles piled up after they were swept away by flooding in Wangmo County, southwest China’s Guizhou Province, on Monday, June 6, 2011. (AP Photo/Xinhua, Huang Shilin) #

在望谟县被洪水肆虐后,汽车横七竖八地堆在了一起。2011.06.06 (美联社/新华社, Huang Shilin)

People make their way through floodwater in Lanxi, east China’s Zhejiang province, on June 20, 2011. (STR/AFP/Getty Images) #

浙江兰溪,几位年轻人淌水逛街。2011.06.20  (STR/AFP/Getty Images)

People make their way down a flooded street after a rainstorm hit the town on June 15, 2011 in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province of China. (ChinaFotoPress/Getty Images) #

在江西南昌被水淹没的街道,百姓想尽办法出行。2011.06.15  (CFP/Getty Images)

Residents walk along a flooded street in Kaihua county, Zhejiang province, on June 15, 2011. (Reuters/Lang Lang) #

浙江开化,居民们行走在被洪水淹没的街道。2011.06.15 (路透社/Lang Lang)

Chinese farmers rescue their pigs in flood waters after heavy rains hit Lanxi, east China’s Zhejiang province, on June 20, 2011. (STR/AFP/Getty Images) #

几位浙江兰溪的农民在洪水中抢救自家养的猪。2011.06.20   (STR/AFP/Getty Images)

Vehicles are trapped in a flooded street after heavy rainfall on June 18, 2011 in Wuhan, Hubei Province of China. (ChinaFotoPress/Getty Images) #

武汉多辆汽车被困在遭洪水淹没的道路上。2011.06.18  (CFP/Getty Images)

Fishermen prepare food on their boat on the River Brahmaputra in Gauhati, in the northeastern Indian state of Assam, on Wednesday, June 15, 2011. According to media reports, China is considering a new plan to divert the Brahmaputra waters from its upper reaches to fight drought conditions in its northwestern territories. Worried that any diversion of the river by China could impact his state, Assam Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi will meet Foreign Minister S.M. Krishna Thursday to ask him to take up the issue with the neighboring country, according to a news report. (AP Photo/ Anupam Nath) #

在印度东北部阿萨姆邦高哈蒂的雅鲁藏布江上,几位渔民正在自己的小船上准备早饭。据媒体报道,中国正在计划从雅鲁藏布江上游引水,以缓解西北边疆的旱情。由于担心此举会使该地区受影响,阿萨姆邦首席部长古戈尹本周三将会见印度外长克里希纳,要求他尽快与邻国就此事展开磋商。(美联社/ Anupam Nath)








