来源Traveling the Globe Page by Page  – Newsweek





Martha Gellhorn (1908–98) 

玛莎·戈尔霍恩 (1908-1998)

Described by The New Yorker as “one of the most eloquent witnesses of the 20th century,” the American writer Gellhorn was a hard-as-nails yet deeply compassionate war reporter who covered conflicts all over the world—most notably the Second World War, where she was one of the first journalists to report from a liberated Dachau. During the D-Day landings of June 1944 she scooped her then-husband Ernest Hemingway, to whom she was married for five turbulent years. Later, she covered the war in Vietnam, the Six-Day War in the Middle East, and civil wars in Central America.

她被《纽约客》称为“二十世纪最有说服力的见证人之一”,铮铮铁骨而又深情似水的美国作家戈尔霍恩是一位足迹遍布全球的战地记者 —— 在第二次世界大战期间,她是从被解放的德国达豪集中营进行报道的首批记者之一。1944年6月D-day登陆时,她的独家新闻抢去了她彼时丈夫海明威的风头。他们那场动荡不羁的婚姻持续了五年。此后,她还报道过越战,中东“六日战争” 及中美洲内战。

Best Book:


Travels With Myself and Another (1978)



Freya Stark (1893–1993)


A fearless English traveler, Stark launched her writing career in the 1930s with a series of extraordinary expeditions to the remotest corners of Arabia and the Middle East, then still largely unseen by Western eyes. As a multilingual female traveler in one of the most conservative and patriarchal regions of the world, her pioneering achievements still strike the modern reader as fiercely triumphant, with every moment recorded and relished in exceptional prose. The writer Lawrence Durrell rightly hailed her as a “poet of travel.”

1930年代,无畏的英国旅行家斯达克一次次远征,深入到西方从未目睹过的中东和阿拉伯半岛最荒芜的角落,她的写作生涯也由此诞生。作为一个通晓多种语言的女性旅行家,她行走在世界上最保守最父权的地区之一。她的创举在现代读者眼中仍然闪耀着胜利的光芒,每一个时刻在她卓越的文字中被记载与回味。作家劳伦斯·达雷尔(Lawrence Durrell)恰如其分地赞她为“旅行诗人”。

Best Book:


The Southern Gates of Arabia: A Journey in the Hadhramaut (1936)



Norman Lewis (1908–2003)

诺曼·路易斯 (1908-2003) 

Unassuming in person, Lewis was unforgettable in print, a writer’s writer revered by fellow Englishman Graham Greene as “one of our best writers, not of any particular decade but of our century.” The Lewis classics include Naples ’44, in which he recreated the Dantean hell of a shattered wartime city; The Honoured Society, a simultaneously chilling and darkly humorous study of the mafia; and Golden Earth, a portrait of Burma, a country where “the condition of the soul replaces that of the stock market as a topic for polite conversation.” Reading Lewis is a joyful journey that drifts easily from limpid prose bordering on magical realism to hard-hitting campaigning journalism.

路易斯相貌平平,但他的文字却让人难以忘怀。他是作家中的作家,被英国同胞格雷汉姆·格林尊称为“我们最优秀的作家之一,不仅某个年代而是整个世纪。” 路易斯的名著包括:《那不勒斯 ’44》,塑造了被战火摧残的但丁式的地狱般城市;《荣誉团体》,一个令人毛骨悚然却充满黑色幽默的黑手党纪实;《金色土地》,描绘了缅甸,一个“在文明对话中股市被心灵状况所替代”的国家。阅读路易斯本身就是一场令人愉悦的旅行,从容地变幻于魔幻现实主义边缘的清丽散文和高歌猛进的新闻写作之间。

Best Book:


A Dragon Apparent: Travels in Indo-China



Dervla Murphy (1931– )

德芙拉·墨菲 (1931-)


The Irishwoman’s first book, published in 1965, was entitled Full Tilt, the pithiest description of how Murphy has always lived her life. Over the years, and in the course of 24 books, she has thrown herself at challenges that would leave lesser men and women—and that is almost all of us—quivering in her wake. Many of these journeys were made by bicycle, Murphy’s favorite mode of travel; others by train, boat, pony, or mule to far-flung corners of the globe from Congo to Siberia. Her writings reflect her style of travel: courageous, uncompromising, and completely original, brimming with raw energy and righteous anger.

爱尔兰女作家墨菲的第一本著作出版于1965年,题为《完全倾斜》,是对她一生最为精辟的描述。多年来在她的二十四部作品中,她所投身的挑战足以让稍稍胆怯的男人和女人们  ——那就是几乎我们所有的人—— 为她的遭遇胆战心惊。墨菲的许多旅行都骑单车完成,那是她最钟爱的旅行方式;此外她还坐火车,乘船,或者骑马、骑驴游遍了从刚果到西伯利亚的海角天涯。她的写作折射出她的旅行风格:勇敢,执拗,别具一格,洋溢着原始的活力和正义的愤怒。

Best Book:


Full Tilt: Ireland to India With a Bicycle (1965)



Ryszard Kapuscinski (1932–2007)

莱扎德·卡普辛斯基 (1932-2007)

Doyen of foreign correspondents, the Polish writer Kapuscinski kept the best material from his reporter’s notebooks for the works of literature that many ardent fans hoped would win him the Nobel Prize. His insatiable thirst for travel, for meeting fellow men and women in exceptional circumstances around the world—including at least 27 African wars, revolutions, and coups over four decades—was prompted by an inspired gift from his editor: a copy of Herodotus’ The Histories. Kapuscinski’s Emperor told the mesmerizing story of Haile Selassie’s downfall in Ethiopia; Shah of Shahs, the last days of the Persian monarch. Both exemplified his flair for what he called “literary reportage.”

身为驻外记者们的前辈,波兰作家卡普辛斯基将他的最佳素材留给了文学作品而不是记者笔记,他众多的热切读者们曾盼望着那些作品能为他赢得诺贝尔文学奖。他无尽地渴望旅行,渴望在世界各地最奇特的境遇中与人相遇 —— 其中包括40年内27次非洲战争,革命和政变 —— 激发了他这种渴望的是来自他编辑的一份礼物:希罗多德的《历史》。卡普辛斯基的《皇帝》叙述了埃塞俄比亚皇帝海尔·塞拉西倒台的迷人故事;《众王之王》描绘的是波斯君王最后的日子。这些都例证了他在他所称“文学报道”领域的卓越才华。

Best Book:


Another Day of Life (1987)



Jan Morris (1926–)


While many authors in this list have been stirred by the irresistible call of the wild and remote, the Welsh writer Jan Morris has devoted her literary career to a cele­bration of civilization’s greatest achievement: the city. Among her many books, the portraits of Venice, Oxford, Hong Kong, Trieste and the Meaning of Nowhere, and Manhattan ’45 stand out as timeless hymns to these great urban centers. She has enjoyed a six-decade love affair with the ultimate city, New York, which dates back to her heady first glimpse of it in the 1950s, a passion undimmed by the narcissism and neuroses of that roaring megalopolis.

这个名单里的许多作家都感受过漠漠荒野那难以抗拒的召唤,而威尔士作家简·莫里斯却将自己的整个文学生涯奉献给了人类文明最伟大的创造:城市。在她众多的作品中,关于威尼斯,牛津和香港的城市肖像,《的里雅斯特及无名之地的意义》,和《曼哈顿 ’45》是对这些伟大都市尤为杰出的永恒赞歌。她与纽约这一终极城市之间的爱情故事持续了60年之久,从1950年代那醉人的的第一瞥开始,她的激情从未因为那个喧嚣都市的自恋与神经质而稍有衰减。

Best Book:


Venice (1960)



V. S. Naipaul (1932–)



Winner of the 2001 Nobel Prize for Literature, together with numerous other literary awards, Trinidadian-British Naipaul has been called the greatest living writer of English prose. Celebrated as a novelist who explores the haunting legacy of British colonialism, he is also admired as a consummate travel writer, author of the controversial 1981 classic Among the Believers, an early study of Islam in Iran, Pakistan, Malaysia, and Indonesia. Naipaul’s travel books reflect his interests as a novelist, roving across the vestiges of empire in the Caribbean, India, and Africa, bristling with pugnacious opinion and coruscating observation leavened by humane doses of empathy.


Best Book:


An Area of Darkness: His Discovery of India (1964)



Patrick Leigh Fermor (1915–)


What life has been lived with more élan? At the age of 18, Leigh Fermor walked from the Hook of Holland to Constantinople—never “Istanbul” to this irrepressible philhellene—a serendipitous, marathon journey immortalized half a century later in the refulgent prose of A Time of Gifts and Between the Woods and the Water. He has secluded himself silently with Trappist monks, fallen in love and run away with a princess, fought for his country, kidnapped a German general, joined a Greek cavalry charge, and swum the Hellespont. The Financial Times considered Mani, his celebrated travelogue on the southern Peloponnese, and Roumeli, its counterpart on northern Greece, “two of the best travel books of the century.”

谁能活得如此洒脱?当他18岁那年,雷·法默尔从荷兰湾一路步行来到康士坦丁堡 —— 对这位狂热的希腊爱好者来说不存在“伊斯坦布尔” —— 半个世纪后他借《馈赠的时光》和《在丛林与水之间》的绚烂文字为那场奇特率性的马拉松式旅行留下了永久的纪念。他曾与特拉普苦修士们一道沉默隐居;他爱上了一位公主并携其私奔;他为自己的国家而战,绑架过一位德国将军,他参加过希腊骑兵队的进攻,并畅游过达达尼尔海峡。《金融时报》认为他关于伯罗奔尼撒半岛南部的著名游记《曼尼》和关于北部希腊的游记《鲁迈尼》是“该世纪最出色的两部旅行著作。”

Best Book:


A Time of Gifts: From the Hook of Holland to the Middle Danube (1977)



Tim Mackintosh-Smith (1961–)


Perhaps only a Brit possessed of greater-than-average eccentricity would take it upon himself to spend a decade traveling in the footsteps—or footnotes, as Mackintosh-Smith would prefer—of a 14th-century Arab traveler. On the road, he and his literary hero, Ibn Battutah, make the perfect duo. Mackintosh-Smith, a bookworm and Arabist who has lived in Yemen for almost 30 years, is a consistently entertaining guide on his travels, and those of “IB,” across North Africa, the Middle East, India, Africa, and Europe. Irreverent, erudite, occasionally bawdy, he is entertaining proof that there is plenty of life left in the travel-writing genre.

也许只有一个足够古怪的英国佬才敢于花十年时间追随一个14世纪阿拉伯旅行家的脚步—— 或者如麦肯托什-史密斯本人所说 —— 脚注。行走在路上时,他和他的文学英雄,伊布能·巴图塔,堪称完美的一对。麦肯托什-史密斯是一位在也门生活了30年的书痴和阿拉伯专家,他总能饶有兴味地描述他,以及 “伊巴”,横跨北非,中东,印度,非洲和欧洲的旅行。他的文字反叛,渊博,甚而猥亵,最生动地证明了旅行写作那依旧旺盛的生命力。

Best Books:


Travels With a Tangerine: In the Footsteps of Ibn Battutah (2001)



Cees Nooteboom (1933–)


Better known as a novelist than a travel writer in his native Holland, Nooteboom is the ultimate stylist of the genre. Highly introspective and self-conscious, witty and whimsical, he observes people and places, and his reactions to them, with an originality that is totally arresting—and all without sounding remotely precious. For those yet to discover the glories of Nooteboom in translation, the best introduction is Nomad’s Hotel, a collection of travel writings from Venice, Munich, Mali, Ireland, and beyond. On a boat trip up the Gambia, he encounters a young Peace Corps idealist who “resembles the beginning of a novel which is destined to have an unhappy ending.” Sparkling sentences abound in his works.

在他的祖国荷兰以小说家而不是旅行作家著称的努特布姆,是一位杰出的游记文体家。他具备高度内省和自我意识,机智而又古怪; 当他观察人与环境时,他的反应之新奇往往令人怦然心动 —— 又毫无矫揉造作之感。对于那些希望通过译文来体会努特布姆光辉的读者们来说,最好的入门无疑是《流浪者的旅馆》,该书收集了来自于威尼斯,慕尼黑,马里,爱尔兰等地的游记文字。在乘船前往甘比亚的旅途中,他偶遇了一位年轻的美国和平队理想主义者,他“很象一部注定只有一个悲伤结尾的小说开头。”  珠玑妙语在他的作品中俯拾皆是。

Best Book:


Roads to Santiago (1997)



Colin Thubron (1939–)


One of Britain’s most civilized and civilizing writers, Thubron is the elder statesman of British travel literature—an unofficial status given more formal footing with his presidency of the Royal Society of Literature. He shrugs off any attempt at geographical classification, having written beautifully about the Middle East, the former Soviet Union, Europe, and China, in addition to his half-dozen novels. His most recent book, To a Mountain in Tibet, published earlier this year, shows Thubron still at his poetic best, enduring a lung-shredding trek to holy Mount Kailas. Perhaps the only writer alive who can write page after page about rock formations without writing a single sentence that is less than brilliant.

作为英国最文雅也最热衷于文明传播的作家之一,瑟布伦堪称英国文学的政治元老 —— 这一非官方地位由于他皇家文学学会会长的头衔而得到了巩固。他无视任何地理的分界,除了六本小说之外,他还优雅地描绘了中东,前苏联,欧洲和中国。他今年出版的最新作品《西藏圣山之旅》显示他除了忍受了艰苦卓绝的岗仁波切圣山之旅外,仍旧诗情焕发,宝刀未老。他也许是当今世上唯一能够长篇大论描述岩层,却依然字字珠玑的作家。

Best Book:


Among the Russians: From the Baltic to the Caucasus (1983)



Paul Theroux (1941–)


America’s most successful literary travel writer of recent times, Theroux surfed the travel-genre renaissance wave from the mid-’70s, delighting readers with his bestselling debut The Great Railway Bazaar, an eclectic mix of exotic tales from a four-month journey by train across Europe, the Middle East, and Asia. Trains and railways have long fascinated him. The Old Patagonian Express tells the alternately hilarious and horrifying story of his travels from Boston to Patagonia. The trademark Theroux style is richly descriptive prose suffused with sharp irony, exemplified in Dark Star Safari, the account of his overland journey from Cairo to Cape Town.

作为美国近年来最成功的游记作家,泰鲁是70年代中期以来游记写作复兴的弄潮儿,他的畅销处女作《伟大的铁路集市》深受读者青睐,记述了他横跨欧洲,中东和亚洲长达四个月火车旅行途中的奇闻趣事。火车与铁路始终令他神往。 《老巴塔哥尼亚快车》讲述了他从波士顿到巴塔哥尼亚既令人捧腹又让人毛骨悚然的旅程。泰鲁风格的标志就是充满着尖锐反讽的细致描绘,记录他从开罗到开普敦陆地旅行的《暗星萨伐旅》即是一例。

Best Book:


The Great Railway Bazaar: By Train Through Asia (1975)










