《彭博商业周刊》的一篇关于Facebook二号人物、首席运营官Sheryl Sandberg的文章提到,Sandberg和Mark Zuckerberg在Facebook进入中国的问题上存在分歧。Zuckerberg认为Facebook在中国可以像在埃及和突尼斯这些国家一样成为引起变革的源头。Sandberg曾在Google工作,对Google失败的中国经验记忆犹新,她担心Facebook进入中国后会不得不做出一些妥协。

如果Zuckerberg果真如此认为,那实在是只能用too simple, sometimes naive来形容了,Facebook进入中国的计划看来是死定了。埃及什么情况?突尼斯什么情况?这样的情况会被允许在中国发生吗?


Zuckerberg believes that Facebook can be an agent of change in China, as it has been in countries such as Egypt and Tunisia. Sandberg, a veteran of Google’s expensive misadventures in the world’s most populous country, is wary about the compromises Facebook would have to make to do business there.

If and when Facebook does go to China, it will likely find itself censoring free speech and filtering out sensitive political content on behalf of the Chinese government. What if, for example, a Chinese user opens a page dedicated to outlawed sect Falun Gong? Or the Chinese government asks the social network to divulge the private messages of a democratic activist?

Facebook首席运营官Sheryl Sandberg

Facebook首席运营官Sheryl Sandberg

