《中英對照讀新聞》Passer-by saves China toddler in 10-storey fall 路人救了從10樓墜下的中國幼童

◎ 魏國金

A two-year-old Chinese girl survived a fall from a 10th-floor window thanks to a passer-by who raced to catch the toddler, state media reported Sunday.


Wu Juping, 31 — herself the mother of a seven-month-old baby — was feted as a heroine on Chinese television, which showed her in a hospital bed recovering from a broken arm after Saturday’s accident.


The child, named “Niu Niu”, suffered internal bleeding and remains in a critical condition. She had been left at home alone when the accident took place, the state-run Xinhua news agency reported.


Seeing the child dangling from the window and about to fall, Wu kicked off her high-heeled shoes and ran towards her with her arms outstretched, Xinhua said.


Niu Niu struck Wu’s left arm before falling onto the lawn, while Wu passed out from the force of the blow. The accident took place near Hangzhou.


Jin Dengfeng, director of a hospital in Fuyang city, said the woman had risked her life by breaking the child’s fall. “She could have died or been paralysed for life if the child had hit her head or her back,” he said.


“I don’t regret anything that happened,” she said. “I just hope that Niu Niu will recover.”



passer-by︰名詞,路人、過客,複數為passers-by。例句︰I stopped a passer-by and asked him to phone an ambulance.(我攔住一名路人,請他打電話叫救護車。)

fete︰動詞,盛宴款待、給予…巨大榮耀、讚揚。例句︰He has been feted as a great thinker.(他被譽為偉大的思想家。)

pass out︰片語,昏倒、失去知覺、醉倒。例句︰After three drinks, the man passed out.(三杯下肚後,那人便醉倒了。)


