来源Facial recognition study raises new fears over ID theft  | Mail Online

How a stranger can now be identified in just THREE SECONDS by facial recognition… along with their social security number


One in three people can be identified on Facebook using just their photograph, a study has found.


Researchers took a picture of 93 volunteers and used this to track them down on the social networking site using publicly available software – usually within three seconds. Armed with the profile they were then able to predict the first five digits of their social security number 27 per cent of the time.


The study by researchers at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh used the Pittsburgh Pattern Recognition, or PittPatt, facial recognition software which has just been bought by Google. They took pictures of the 93 students and compared them with 261,262 publicly available photos downloaded from Facebook profiles.

这些来自匹兹堡卡耐基梅隆大学的研究者使用的软件是“匹兹堡模式识别( Pittsburgh Pattern Recognition)”,或者叫PittPatt,这是一款才被Google收购的面部识别软件。他们采集了93个学生的照片,并将其与261262个在网络上公开的照片进行比对。这些照片都是从Facebook的资料中下载的。

In under three seconds their system turned up 10 possible matches. The correct one was in the top three more than 30 per cent of the time.


Professor Alessandro Acquisti, the lead researcher, said that technology had now evolved so that there was a ‘democratisation of surveillance’.

研究的带头人Alessandro Acquisti教授表示,如今技术已经进化到一定程度以至于已经产生了“民主化监控”的概念。


The researchers said that Facebook, which has 750 million members worldwide, is becoming the world’s default identification service. In the past the only publicly available pictures have been school photographs or mugshots of criminals which have been tricky to get hold of. Now ID thieves could potentially find out everything they need to know just by surfing the web and looking at photos.


Professor Acquisti said the study ‘suggests that the identity of about one-third of subjects walking by the campus building may be inferred in a few seconds combining social-network data, cloud computing and an inexpensive web cam.’ With just four attempts he was also able to identify the first five digits of the test subjects’ social security numbers, potentially a goldmine for ID thieves.


‘The chain of inferences comes from one single piece of anonymous information – somebody’s face,’ he said.


Paul Ohm, a law professor at University of Colorado Law School, who has read the paper, said the research showed how easy it was to ‘re-identify’ people. ‘This paper really establishes that re-identification is much easier than experts think it’s going to be,’ he told the Wall St Journal.

Paul Ohm是科罗拉多大学法学院的法律教授,他看了这篇论文之后表示,这项研究揭示了去“再识别”一个人是多么的容易。“这篇论文真实地展示了再识别技术比专家们想象的容易实现得多。”他对华尔街日报如是说。

The advent of facial recognition software has sparked an arms race between Google and Facebook.


In June Google launched Google+, its social networking website which it plans to integrate with PittPatt. Facebook has already rolled out its version which lets people identify pictures of friends.


According to the National Institutes of Standards and Technology the proportion of photographs which were wrongly identified by such programmes has declined from 79% in 1993 to just 0.29% last year.


Earlier this year a the D: All Things Digital Conference Google chairman Eric Schmidt told of his concerns about Facebook dominance of social networking.

在今年初的All Things Digital大会上,Google主席Eric Schmidt表达了对于Facebook在社交领域的统治地位的担忧。

Facebook is ‘the first generally available way of disambiguating identity,’ he said.

Facebook 是“第一个真正意义上能够消除身份二义性的服务”,他说。

‘Historically, on the Internet such a fundamental service wouldn’t be owned by a single company. I think the industry would benefit from an alternative to that.’


A Facebook spokesman told the Wall St Journal that users do not have to upload a photo to their profile if they do not want to.





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