2011年11月12日是陈光诚40岁生日。《见识红色中国》网站刊登专栏作家、记者 Yaxue Cao 的英语博文,题为:Who Is Chen Guangcheng— A celebration of life on his 40th birthday

(译)大家都知道这些关键词了:盲人“赤脚”律师、非法软禁,等等等等。最近的日子里,我一直关注有关陈光诚的文章,他们,有记者,也有法律专家,他们写着写着就变成了陈光诚的好朋友,这真的让我印象良深。今天和明天,我就和大家分享一下 —— Yaxue

You already know the labels: the blind “barefoot” lawyer, the illegal house arrest, etc. Over the past days and weeks, I have come across writings about Chen Guangcheng, by journalists who covered him and by legal professionals who worked and became close friends with him, that have made deep impressions on me. Today and tomorrow I will share some of them with our audience here. –Yaxue


