译者 3yan2yu

China’s Urban Population Now Exceeds 50% of Population

当今中国的城市人口超过总人口的50 %
马特·罗森伯格(Matt Rosenberg)撰写, About.com的向导

 China's National Bureau of Statistics announced earlier this week that the world's most populous country has reached the point of being more urban than rural. The agency announced that 51.27% of China’s 1.35 billion people live in urban areas, which represents a total urban population of 690.8 million. The average annual income in urban areas is 21,810 yuan ($3,444) while the income of rural dwellers is 6,977 yuan ($1,102).  Around 2030, China’s population is expected to peak at about 1.4 billion and then begin declining.
中国国家统计局于本星期初宣布,在我们这个世界上人口最多的国家里,城市人口已经超过了农村人口。该机构宣布在13.5亿的中国人中, 约有 51.27 %居住在城市地区,也就是说在城市地区里生活人口为69,080万。他们的年平均年收入为21,800元( 3,444美元) ,而农村居民的年平均收入6,977元( 1,102美元) 。在2030年左右,中国人口预计会达到14亿的峰值,然后开始逐步减少

