《中英對照讀新聞》China pulls red carpet from under actor Bale 中國取消對英國演員貝爾的禮遇


Beijing has pulled the red carpet from under the feet of Christian Bale, the Oscar-winning actor who stars in China’s latest box-office hit, after he tried to visit a detained dissident.


China’s foreign ministry accused Bale of “fabricating news” after the Hollywood actor made international headlines recently when he tried to visit a blind lawyer-dissident being held under house arrest.


The British actor, who was in China to promote his Nanjing Massacre film “The Flowers of War”, was stopped on the outskirts of the village in eastern China where the activist Chen Guangcheng is being detained.


Asked by reporters if China was embarrassed by Bale’s actions, foreign ministry spokesman Liu Weimin said:”I think it is the relevant actor who should feel embarrassed instead of the Chinese side.”


“The Chinese side will not welcome him to make news in China,” Liu added, suggesting Bale would not be allowed back into the country.


While Bale may have fallen out of favour with Beijing, his film set during the massacre has been a hit with local moviegoers. (AFP)



pull the rug from under someone/something:片語,指突然停止對某人或某事的幫助或支持、扯某人後腿。rug為名詞,意為地毯。例句︰The school pulled the rug from under the basketball team by making them pay to practise in the school gymnasium.(學校突然停止對籃球隊的支持,要求球隊必須付費才能在學校體育館練習。)

red carpet:名詞,(接待貴賓時所使用的)紅地毯,引申為指對重要人物的禮遇或隆重待遇,例句︰The minister was given the red carpet treatment.(部長受到如上賓般的盛大歡迎。)

fall out of favor/lose favor (with someone):片語,指失去某人的認同或歡心、失寵,例句︰This style of house has fallen out of favor with most people lately.(這種房屋風格近來已不再受大多數人歡迎。)


