陈光诚和胡佳 2012年4月  Chen Guangcheng and Hu Jia   April 2012

Chen Guangcheng: …好不容易我逃出来了,网上所有的流传,以及对我实施暴行的指控,我作为当事人,在这里向大家证明一下这都是事实,有些发生的比网上流传的有过之而无不及。… 
I finally escaped. All the stories online about the brutal treatment I received from the Linyi authorities, I can personally testify they are true. The reality is even harsher than the stories that have been circulating…
观看光诚录像 watch the video on youtube (with English subtitle)  光诚录像文字 (中文)    complete video record(in English) 

Hu Jia:  7年来我从不认为我们是去救光诚,他不是俘虏,他是坚持抵抗的勇士。我们去那里是为了与冲在最前沿的光诚并肩而战。这场战争仍在进行。请关注郭玉闪和珍珠。请关注光诚的母亲、妻儿和亲属。
For the past seven years, I have never thought that it is us who went to save Guangcheng. He is never a hostage, he is a courageous warrior who never stops fighting. We went there to fight together with Guangcheng who charged on the very front. This fighting still goes on. Please show your concern for Guo Yushan and Pearl. Please also show your concern for Guangcheng’s mother, wife and relatives.
