关于谎言的经济学,其实是我早就关注的议题,或许始自我读罗素的《中国问题》。他是中国文化的崇拜者 ——我写过,他与杜威在这一点上有本质不同。所以,罗素和杜威“五四”时期在中国知识界境遇也不同,那时,“新文化运动”是主流,故我们不待见罗素,我们追随杜威和胡适。若罗素和杜威现在到中国来,很可能境遇相反。不论如何,罗素还是列举了西方的中国观察者最普遍列举的三项道德问题:1)贪婪,2)怯懦,3)冷漠。……为要准确,我特意找来罗素原文,从第11节引用他对我们的表扬如下(梁漱溟也曾引用这一段文字):

If any nation in the world could ever be “too proud to fight,” that nation would be China. The natural Chinese attitude is one of tolerance and friendliness, showing courtesy and expecting it in return. If the Chinese chose, they could be the most powerful nation in the world. But they only desire freedom, not domination. It is not improbable that other nations may compel them to fight for their freedom, and if so, they may lose their virtues and acquire a taste for empire.


So far, I have spoken chiefly of the good sides of the Chinese character; but of course China, like every other nation, has its bad sides also. It is disagreeable to me to speak of these, as I experienced so much courtesy and real kindness from the Chinese, that I should prefer to say only nice things about them. But for the sake of China, as well as for the sake of truth, it would be a mistake to conceal what is less admirable. I will only ask the reader to remember that, on the balance, I think the Chinese one of the best nations I have come across, and am prepared to draw up a graver indictment against every one of the Great Powers. Shortly before I left China, an eminent Chinese writer pressed me to say what I considered the chief defects of the Chinese. With some reluctance, I mentioned three: avarice, cowardice and callousness. Strange to say, my interlocutor, instead of getting angry, admitted the justice of my criticism, and proceeded to discuss possible remedies. This is a sample of the intellectual integrity which is one of China’s greatest virtues.

     在讨论中国人扯谎的习惯之前,我要引用当代的行为经济学领袖之一 Colin Camerer 在(人民大学出版社中译本)《行为博弈论》里报告的一系列实验,在那里,他报告说:来自中国的被试,与东亚各国(日本和韩国)的被试相比,表现出更强烈的合作倾向。很惊讶?我们不应忘记,他这些实验是改革开放的初期完成的,那时,我们中国人要么还处于“民风淳朴”的阶段要么在稍后的一个发展阶段——“钱多人傻”。


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