

I am both an Airline Transport rated pilot and flight instructor.

我是一名飞行教练,同时是一名持有Airline Transport Pilot License(在美国是最高等级的飞行执照)的飞行员。

What seemed likely yesterday now seems clear. This was purely pilot error. The glide slope of the ILS (Instrument Landing System) was turned off at SFO. This means that the pilot could not use his autopilot for the approach. However, the weather was perfect and visual approaches were what was required. This means that the pilot had to determine his own glide path to the runway.

昨天看起来比较可能的猜测今天已经基本得到证实。这次事故完全是飞行员的错误。昨天旧金山机场着陆引导系统(ILS)中的下滑道引导系统(glide slope)因为故障被关闭。这意味着飞行员不能使用自动驾驶系统来完成航班最后的进近过程。但是昨天旧金山机场的天气非常好,飞行员完全可以目视降落。也就是说,飞行员必须自己计算出下滑道,以正确降落在跑道上。

Plainly he landed short. Indeed, this has all the earmarks of what student pilots show before they learn to do better. When a glide path is coming up short, the response by the pilots must be application of power. That is the only response that works. Human nature unfortunately suggests raising the nose as that creates the illusion that the short glide path is being fixed. Actually that makes things worse as it does not lengthen the glide path; instead it reduces airspeed.


So what do we see here: throttles at idle position and airspeed 7 knots too slow.


Honestly this is inexcusable incompetence in the flight deck. These are mistakes that student pilots make in Cessna 150s before they are taught to do better. Not in an airliner.


Seems without the crutch of a glide slope and an autopilot coupled approach, this crew was not up to the job.


Tragic, sad, inexplicable, incompetent.


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