

North Koreans are using a new smartphone to look up foreign-language vocabulary, according to a report by Choson Sinbo, a newspaper published by a pro-North Korea organization in Japan.


Named “Pyongyang” — but nicknamed “Pyongyang Touch” among North Korean citizens, the report says — the smartphone comes in pink, navy blue and white, a color palette reminiscent of recent iterations of Samsung Galaxy flagship phones.


The report quotes a 27-year-old North Korean citizen who says the Pyongyang Touch is more powerful and has a smoother shape than pre-existing smartphones.


The predecessor in question may be the Arirang smartphone, first announced in North Korea’s state media in August.


Photos showed dictator Kim Jong Un inspecting a factory with finished boxes at the time but the phone appears identical to a model made by Chinese firm Uniscope Communications, according to a Japanese blog.



tout:動詞,招攬、兜售。例句:We should tout our wares on television.(我們應該在電視上兜售產品。)

look up:片語,查找、向上看。例句:Look up the trains to Taipei in the timetable.(查一查到台北的火車時刻表。)


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