港大學肝膽胰外科主任潘冬平在facebook撰文,以「Protect our next generation, please….」為題。他表示,非常驚訝,警隊對催淚彈的危害如此無知,竟然公開稱催淚彈只會靠成短暫傷害;他又懇求警員發射橡膠子彈前 ,上網看清楚可造成甚麼傷害。


“The job of a doctor is to save life, and the first principle is to DO NO HARM. This may not apply exactly to the police when using weapons like tear gas in controlling crowd, but at least they should know the HARM they may cause, and STOP telling people that it is harmless as the Assistant Commissioner did, defying all the medical evidence – it is either a LIE or IGNORANCE. ”


“I beg the policemen to google the images of rubber bullet injury before they decide whether they should fire at the students, even if they are instructed by their senior to do so. ”


“Everyone has their own judgment who should be responsible for the division, and it will be a long time if ever the wound could be healed. I wish the Government will have the courage and wisdom to solve the conflict with communication and peaceful means, and NO MORE tear gas to our next generation please.”


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