
【CDTV】台灣小朋友眼中的大陸 (Part2)

作者走訪台北,高雄,台東,台南四座城市,隨機採訪當地的小朋友,瞭解他們眼中的大陸到底是什麽樣子,以及中華文化在台灣基層的普及情況 The original uploader randomly interviewed some local kids in Taipei,Gaosiyong,Taidong and Tainan,to see what do they know about chinese mainland,and the chinese culture educational condition in primary level of Taiwan. 本人注:原作者稱還有一部大學生版的採訪錄像,稍後會放出,另外,可以預見大陸也將出現對應的採訪大陸小朋友眼中的台灣,其比較意義是本人相當感興趣的。如出現類似視頻,本人將會第一時間轉帖至YOUTUBE供各位海內外看官審閱。 Note:the original uploader claimed she has another version of video interviewing colledge students,will be released soon due to the size is too large to upload,and this video has got over millions of viewers in mainland in last 10 days,it’s not hard to predict mainlanders will make a similar video to this.If avaiable,I will forward all those to youtube for you guys
