
OhMyMedia | 经济学人:爱国主义与女优

  q Sep 22nd 2012 | BEIJING | from the print edition “钓鱼岛属于中国,苍井空属于世界”,这句看似矛盾的口号反映了中国人对于日本的复杂感情。 OF ALL the positions with which Sora Aoi has excited her Chinese fans (and there have been many), this was among the more surprising. As anti-Japanese sentiment flared across China, the former porn star issued an online appeal, in fetching calligraphy, for Sino-Japanese friendship. One placard waved at anti-Japanese protests over the disputed Senkaku/Diaoyu islands read simply: “the Diaoyu islands belong to China; Sora Aoi belongs to the world.” This odd slogan underlines the mixed and often contradictory feelings Chinese people can have about Japan. Brought up to hate it for its historic crimes, they also admire it for being better at some things than China: electronic goods; social order; comic books—and pornographic videos.


OhMyMedia | 经济学人:当致富变得不再光荣

Sep 25th 2012, 12:16 by T.P. | BEIJING  每年大约这个时候,胡润富豪排行榜都会如期而至。这份榜单不但满足了那些痴迷富人名流生活方式的恶趣味,还反映了中国商业大潮中沉浮的重要趋势。而今年新出炉的榜单却有着不少的“亮点”。 EACH year around this time, the Hurun Report, a Shanghai-based luxury publishing and events group, releases its compiled list of China’s wealthiest people. The report not only satisfies the prurient interest of those fascinated with the lifestyles of the rich and famous, but also reflects important trends underlying success and failure in the world of Chinese business. The latest edition, “China’s Rich List 2012”, released September 24th, was no exception. It revealed that a drinks tycoon, Zong Qinghou of the Wahaha Group, regained the top spot he had occupied in 2010 but lost last year*.


OhMyMedia | 经济学人:在中国,谁赢得了经济思想之争的胜利

Sep 15th 2012 | from the print edition 除却刺激经济所常用的凯恩斯经济理论,另一种经济思想也在悄然主导着政府的经济调控政策,这就是哈耶克的经济理论。 WEN JIABAO, China’s prime minister, this week gave one of his last big speeches before retiring from the Politburo’s powerful nine-member standing committee. He vigorously defended China’s bold response to the 2008 financial crisis—and conspicuously failed to promise anything similar in reaction to the economy’s present woes. Mr Wen described China’s 2008 stimulus as a “scientific response” to that year’s crisis, which prevented “factory closures, job losses and return of migrant workers to their home villages”. It would have delighted John Maynard Keynes, an economist once denounced as “anti-science and anti-people” by China’s Communists.









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