Ministry of Bullying
来自China Digital Space
Bàdào Bù 霸道部

Play on Ministry of Railways (Tiědào Bù 铁道部), the erstwhile government agency notorious first for maddening ticket policies, then for the Wenzhou train crash.
Controversy about the Ministry of Railways stirred in December 2010, when the ministry announced that economy class train tickets would be refunded if the passenger arrived late for their train, but no similar restriction applied to those who held tickets for high speed trains. Netizens also invoked the "Ministry of Bullying" in complaints about ticket scarcity and poor service.
Far worse for the ministry was its safety record. In March 2011, local ministry officials were alleged to be complicit in the death of a college student on a train. Then on July 23, a high-speed train crash in Wenzhou killed 40 passengers and injured nearly 200. Fury erupted on Weibo when images emerged of workers burying the rail cars fewer than 24 hours after the accident. Accusations flew that the ministry's lax oversight allowed the crash to occur.
Reacting to news coverage of the crash, Weibo user ZhuDazhi (@朱达志) fumed, "You can't criticize the Ministry of Bullying, you can only praise the people of Wenzhou" (不能批评霸道部只好表扬温州人).
Former Railway Minister Liu Zhijun, who had been fired in February 2011, was later found guilty of abuse of power and bribery, and handed a suspended death sentence. The ministry itself was disbanded during the 2013 National People's Congress.
See also this is a miracle, whether you believe it or not, I do, and WTF.