<\/a> From AP via wolx.com:<\/p>\n
Chinese Vice Premier Wu Yi <\/a>, known as China’s “Iron Lady” for her toughness in trade talks, was left out of a newly elected Communist Party Central Committee on Sunday, indicating that she will retire some time soon.<\/p>\n
Wu, 68, who has been responsible for contentious trade talks with the United States and for cleaning up a series of scandals over product safety, was left off the Committee along with Defence Minister Cao Gangchuan, 71, and Vice Premier Zeng Peiyan, 68, who has been in charge of industrial policy, Xinhua news agency reported. Their absence from the new Party Committee indicates that they will also give up their government posts in coming months. [Full Text] <\/a><\/p><\/blockquote>\n
See also: Women a rare sight in China’s power corridors <\/a><\/p>\n