
“Eating Melons”的版本间的差异

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第50行: 第50行:
Consuming the latest gossip, from a distance. The latest news becomes "melons," which are then "eaten" by those following. , The phrase is akin to "[https://www.bustle.com/p/what-is-the-kermit-sipping-tea-meme-a-history-of-this-muppets-shade-69015 sipping tea]" in American parlance. As opposed to "[surround and watch]," which implies the application of scrutiny to events of public interest, "eating melons" connotes the private enjoyment of drama. The phrase has its roots in 2016, after digital citizens took to mocking 
Consuming the latest gossip, from a distance. Incidents become meme-like "melons," which are then "eaten" by those following along on the internet. As opposed to "[[surround and watch]]," which implies the application of scrutiny to events of public interest, "eating melons" connotes the private enjoyment of drama, a la "[https://www.bustle.com/p/what-is-the-kermit-sipping-tea-meme-a-history-of-this-muppets-shade-69015 sipping tea]" in American parlance. "Eating melons" became a sensitive word in 2021.  
The phrase's etymology begins in 2016. Users on Baidu's Tieba network had long pretended to be hawkers in the comment section, selling "melon seeds" to other commentators. The phrase was combined with a recurring phrase in official media, "the ignorant public," to create "the ignorant melon-eating public." Although the phrase had strong political overtones at first, its adoption by China's internet fandoms smoothed its edges. By 2017, state media was using the phrase mockingly. After Nobel laureate Liu Xiaobo died in police custody in 2017, [https://www.ft.com/content/b6d56066-6847-11e7-8526-7b38dcaef614 Global Times wrote] that it would stay up all night "eating melons with the public," in apparent glee.
After tennis star Peng Shuai accused former Politburo Standing Committee member Zhang Gaoli of sexual assault in 2021, Weibo users adopted "eating melons" and "gigantic melon" as stand-ins for discussions about Peng's plight in a vain attempt to evade censors.  
The popularity of "eating melons" took off again in early 2021 during a series of celebrity scandals, most notably a [https://chinadigitaltimes.net/2021/01/celebrity-scandal-inspires-reflection-on-surrogacy-in-china/ controversy over a famous actress' surrogacy and tax fraud]. For a time, a mobile game with a tongue-in-cheek title nodding at the phrase, "[https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202102/1214625.shtml Combine Big Watermelons]," was among the most downloaded games in China. A crackdown on celebrities and their fandoms later in the year saw a number of online groups dedicated to "eating melons," [https://www.protocol.com/workplace/airtable-future most notably Goose Group], disbanded by censors.
In November 2021, the phrase briefly became a sensitive word after tennis star Peng Shuai accused former Politburo Standing Committee member Zhang Gaoli of sexual assault. Weibo users adopted "eating melons" and "gigantic melon" as stand-ins for discussions about Peng's plight in a vain attempt to evade censors. The terms was then censored. Although many took illicit joy in the cheeky discussion of "melons," others were dismayed by the corruption of language inherent in the phrases' adoption. "When a heart-wrenching accusation becomes a meme like 'a melon we commoners can’t eat,' they’ve already won," [https://chinadigitaltimes.net/2021/11/inside-peng-shuais-accusation-against-former-top-leader-metoo-censorship-and-resistance-discourse/ wrote on Douban user].  
第60行: 第63行:
  Phasellus mattis et dui sit amet porta. Cras eleifend ac risus ac laoreet. Maecenas scelerisque ante non nisl placerat malesuada. Fusce varius urna at rhoncus finibus. Curabitur congue justo eget metus euismod, vitae blandit purus luctus. Vestibulum lorem lorem, dapibus tempus tellus vitae, ornare sagittis metus. Curabitur lobortis risus neque, eu bibendum nisl malesuada sit amet. Duis vitae luctus diam. Maecenas lobortis libero odio.
Nunc rutrum tempor mi eu tempor. Fusce ante turpis, fringilla in velit blandit, feugiat pulvinar ligula. Sed porttitor magna ligula, vel maximus risus interdum id. Phasellus facilisis ex eu volutpat mattis. Phasellus suscipit tempor malesuada. Curabitur malesuada porta tempor. Nam a risus augue. Proin turpis ligula, vulputate et placerat vel, gravida ut odio. Nunc pretium urna vel velit blandit accumsan. Nunc convallis id enim ut dictum. Nulla venenatis ut diam ut placerat. Nunc nec odio hendrerit, mollis neque et, posuere sem. Vestibulum ipsum velit, lobortis blandit ipsum sit amet, laoreet condimentum lectus. Donec nec erat pretium, tempus ligula et, scelerisque nisi.
第78行: 第79行:
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2023年8月7日 (一) 15:19的最新版本

Chī Guā | 吃瓜

Snacking on gossip (Source)

Consuming the latest gossip, from a distance. Incidents become meme-like "melons," which are then "eaten" by those following along on the internet. As opposed to "surround and watch," which implies the application of scrutiny to events of public interest, "eating melons" connotes the private enjoyment of drama, a la "sipping tea" in American parlance. "Eating melons" became a sensitive word in 2021.

The phrase's etymology begins in 2016. Users on Baidu's Tieba network had long pretended to be hawkers in the comment section, selling "melon seeds" to other commentators. The phrase was combined with a recurring phrase in official media, "the ignorant public," to create "the ignorant melon-eating public." Although the phrase had strong political overtones at first, its adoption by China's internet fandoms smoothed its edges. By 2017, state media was using the phrase mockingly. After Nobel laureate Liu Xiaobo died in police custody in 2017, Global Times wrote that it would stay up all night "eating melons with the public," in apparent glee.

The popularity of "eating melons" took off again in early 2021 during a series of celebrity scandals, most notably a controversy over a famous actress' surrogacy and tax fraud. For a time, a mobile game with a tongue-in-cheek title nodding at the phrase, "Combine Big Watermelons," was among the most downloaded games in China. A crackdown on celebrities and their fandoms later in the year saw a number of online groups dedicated to "eating melons," most notably Goose Group, disbanded by censors.

In November 2021, the phrase briefly became a sensitive word after tennis star Peng Shuai accused former Politburo Standing Committee member Zhang Gaoli of sexual assault. Weibo users adopted "eating melons" and "gigantic melon" as stand-ins for discussions about Peng's plight in a vain attempt to evade censors. The terms was then censored. Although many took illicit joy in the cheeky discussion of "melons," others were dismayed by the corruption of language inherent in the phrases' adoption. "When a heart-wrenching accusation becomes a meme like 'a melon we commoners can’t eat,' they’ve already won," wrote on Douban user.

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