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(Created page with "汉娜·阿伦特(Hannah Arendt)认为,极权主义的目标是全面的,无限的权力。这种权力要求每个人“在生活的各个方面都处于支配地位...")
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* Headings: Enclose text in equals signs to turn that line into a heading (e.g. ==heading==). The more equals signs you use, the smaller the heading will be. For example, the first line of each page begins with the pinyin and characters for the name / term at hand in "Heading 2" format, enclosed between two sets of two equals signs. At the bottom of the page, sections with links to other CDS pages and to CDT pages appear under "Heading 4" headings, enclosed in two sets of four equals signs.
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HEADER: Replace "pīnyīn" below with pinyin transliteration of the name/term at hand, including tone marks, followed by the Chinese characters (after the "|"). Double-brackets [[ ]] will create link to corresponding page in Chinese. Do not italicize pinyin terms in either the header or body of the page. See "The Case Against Italicizing 'Foreign' Words" by Khairani Barokka at https://bit.ly/noitals.
==pīnyīn | [[中文]]==
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[[File:WEBhrdqEMfA1q8JfiDnoBq.jpg|thumb|300px|right|''Your pithy caption here ([https://chinadigitaltimes.net Source])'']]
BODY: Replace all the Latin gobbledygook below. For Lexicon entries, begin with a one-sentence definition of the term. This does not have to be a complete sentence. For example, the first line of the page [[pass the knife]] reads: "Accusation of aiding and abetting 'foreign (hostile) forces' that went mainstream in the first few months of the COVID-19 pandemic."
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut at dolor rutrum, pretium dolor eu, aliquet nisi. Donec aliquam urna elit, vel vulputate elit varius eget. Nullam quis scelerisque nulla, eu ornare diam. Phasellus eu elit sed justo maximus viverra. Ut nec dolor ipsum. Etiam a tincidunt est. Suspendisse sed nunc turpis. Ut nec tempor libero, at hendrerit nibh. Nunc rutrum ligula at tellus viverra elementum. Nunc justo ligula, porttitor ut diam eu, placerat convallis nisl. Mauris nunc orci, ultrices vel mi at, cursus vehicula felis. Nunc pharetra at erat id varius.
Proin ultricies maximus magna, quis efficitur magna facilisis dignissim. Nulla dapibus lorem quis metus eleifend dapibus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vestibulum a venenatis odio, et fermentum nisi. Nunc nec ligula placerat, posuere tellus a, imperdiet tellus. Mauris quis lorem sit amet magna eleifend finibus sed vitae nisi. Nulla mollis neque non fringilla placerat. Donec interdum erat a purus suscipit rhoncus. Donec nec neque facilisis, faucibus nibh nec, sagittis ipsum.
Pellentesque ac urna eget nibh consequat feugiat. Sed malesuada elit ac nisl rhoncus egestas. Phasellus id eleifend tortor, sit amet consequat ipsum. Etiam consequat, velit quis pulvinar viverra, leo arcu porttitor nunc, ut venenatis turpis lectus nec ante. Donec dapibus est non vulputate placerat. Donec sodales nunc in efficitur porttitor. Pellentesque tristique lacinia felis, eu cursus est ornare in:
SAMPLE BLOCKQUOTE: Start the line with a space to automatically create a blockquote.
Phasellus mattis et dui sit amet porta. Cras eleifend ac risus ac laoreet. Maecenas scelerisque ante non nisl placerat malesuada. Fusce varius urna at rhoncus finibus. Curabitur congue justo eget metus euismod, vitae blandit purus luctus. Vestibulum lorem lorem, dapibus tempus tellus vitae, ornare sagittis metus. Curabitur lobortis risus neque, eu bibendum nisl malesuada sit amet. Duis vitae luctus diam. Maecenas lobortis libero odio.
Nunc rutrum tempor mi eu tempor. Fusce ante turpis, fringilla in velit blandit, feugiat pulvinar ligula. Sed porttitor magna ligula, vel maximus risus interdum id. Phasellus facilisis ex eu volutpat mattis. Phasellus suscipit tempor malesuada. Curabitur malesuada porta tempor. Nam a risus augue. Proin turpis ligula, vulputate et placerat vel, gravida ut odio. Nunc pretium urna vel velit blandit accumsan. Nunc convallis id enim ut dictum. Nulla venenatis ut diam ut placerat. Nunc nec odio hendrerit, mollis neque et, posuere sem. Vestibulum ipsum velit, lobortis blandit ipsum sit amet, laoreet condimentum lectus. Donec nec erat pretium, tempus ligula et, scelerisque nisi.
RELATED CDS ENTRIES: Autogenerated list
====See Also====
{{ #dpl: linksto = {{FULLPAGENAME}} }}
CDT COVERAGE: Replace "XXXXX" below with a search term for CDT English appropriate to the page you are creating. Use the plus sign in place of space between two words (e.g. "Fang+Fang"). Replace "YYYYY" with an appropriate search term for CDT Chinese.
==== More from CDT ====
*[https://chinadigitaltimes.net/search_gcse/?q=XXXXX English]
*[https://chinadigitaltimes.net/chinese/search_gcse/?q=YYYYY 中文]
CATEGORY: Replace "Templates" below with the primary category for this page (usually "Lexicon" or "People"). The primary category for each page is listed on the CDS-EN Google sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1neL8_o9NkQlAvxS8yiRzCfKrqUyQ9o5q_GdzSEEIzYc/edit?usp=sharing

2022年7月1日 (五) 19:48的最新版本

汉娜·阿伦特(Hannah Arendt)认为,极权主义的目标是全面的,无限的权力。这种权力要求每个人“在生活的各个方面都处于支配地位”(Arendt 1951:456)。







