
Xu Zhiyong trial

来自China Digital Space

Anne讨论 | 贡献2014年2月26日 (三) 22:40的版本
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Xu Zhiyong held a silent protest at his trial in January 2014. (Badiucao for CDT Chinese)

On January 25, civil society activist Xu Zhiyong was sentenced to four years in prison for “gathering crowds to disturb public order.” Almost a year earlier, members of Xu’s loosely organized New Citizens Movement held street protests calling on government officials to publicly disclose their financial assets. Xu was put under house arrest soon after these protests, which he was not involved in organizing. Through his lawyer, Zhang Qingfang, Xu said his sentence “wiped out the Chinese legal system’s last shred of dignity.”

Xu had for years worked within the system of China’s party-state to push for reforms and is considered moderate. He came to prominence in 2003, when he and several other rights defense lawyers successfully campaigned for the abolition of a form of detention that lead to the death of a young man. Xu founded of the Open Constitution Initiative, or Gongmeng, in the same year. The authorities eventually shut down Gongmeng and convicted Xu of “tax evasion” in 2009. He was released on bail.

The New Citizens Movement is more concept than real organization, a leaderless movement to discuss issues of governance in casual settings at public dinners. When questioned by the police about the New Citizens who protested last spring, Xu explained:

Citizen groups all around China are evolving independently, and act autonomously. I can only influence others, not control them. As for the four gentlemen detained for promoting financial disclosure, of course I am responsible. I initiated the movement. Although strategically I don’t agree with their particular method, their action was just, and anything but illegal. I’m responsible for following in their steps. If they are guilty, I ask for the same treatment right now.


Xu remained silent at his trial in protest of procedural flaws, but will appeal the decision.


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