
Screwing People Post

来自China Digital Space

C讨论 | 贡献2011年8月8日 (一) 09:09的版本
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日人民报 (rì rén mín bào): The Screwing People Post

“The Screwing People Post” (日人民报) is a parody of the name for The People’s Daily (人民日报) created by rearranging two characters.

Netizens mock the low readership of the People’s Daily (calling it人民不看的日报 – The Paper the People Don’t Read) and also criticize it’s role as the uncritical voice of the Party. There have been allegations that a number of its stories are factually incorrect leading netizens to joke that the only reliable information in the newspaper is the date and page number.


Comparison of a Hong Kong newspaper and the People's Daily shortly after the Wenzhou train accident. The headline in the Hong Kong paper reads, "[The Government] Just Wants to Clear the Tracks, Doesn't Care About Rescuing Survivors, WTF!" The People's Daily reads, "The Party's Sympathy Is Even Greater Than the Height of Lofty Mountains."
