
Xia Yeliang

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Josh讨论 | 贡献2018年3月27日 (二) 23:07的版本
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Xia Yeliang (Source: RFA/Wikimedia Commons)

Xia Yeliang is a liberal economist, former economics professor at Peking University's School of Economics, and early drafter and signatory of the Charter 08 manifesto. In 2013, amid the beginnings of a Party crackdown on liberal ideology, Xia was expelled from his faculty position at Peking University after a 30-3 faculty vote. While the university claimed that Xia was terminated due to a poor teaching record, many—including Xia himself—believe that his record of political outspokenness was a factor in the decision.

Xia was born on September 4, 1960 in Wuhu, Anhui. In 1984, Xia obtained a bachelor's degree from Aunhui University, and went on to earn an MA and a PhD in economics at Fudan University in Shanghai. In 2000, Xia began teaching economics and western economic history courses at Peking University. He has authored books on economic reform and institutional change. Xia has served as a visiting scholar at UC Berkeley, UCLA, Stanford, and the Cato Institute, and was a founder of the Cathay Institute of Public Affairs.