
Laam caau

来自China Digital Space

John讨论 | 贡献2021年3月16日 (二) 00:46的版本
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lǎn chǎo (Cantonese: laam5 caau2) | 揽炒

The 'subversive' laam caau plan as laid out by the Hong Kong Police's National Security Department (Source)

Cantonese term (pronounced "lahm tsow"), a portmanteau of "embrace" and "fry," referring to a strategy invented and popularized during the 2019 Hong Kong protests, broadly meaning to force your opponent to suffer as much as you do. Coined by pro-democracy campaigner Finn Lau, who used the term as his username on Hong Kong social media platform LIHKG. Compared by some to a scorched earth strategy. Prominent pro-democracy campaigners Joshua Wong and Alex Chow expressed the idea in a New York Times op-ed in August 2019 by referencing the famous "Hunger Games" line: "If we burn, you burn with us."

Proponents of the laam caau doctrine have called for Western governments to apply international sanctions on Hong Kong and revoke Hong Kong's special trade status as a separate economic entity from China. While acknowledging the painful effect of such policies on Hong Kong's economy, they argue that it is a sacrifice worth making.

Pro-establish political parties and Chinese media have since co-opted the term to derisively refer to pro-democracy parties as the "laam caau faction."

In April 2020, Benny Tai, legal scholar and the brainchild behind Occupy Central with Love and Peace, the precursor to the 2014 Umbrella Protests, published an article titled "10 Steps to a Real Laam Caau" in Apple Daily (since deleted). Tai proposed a ten-step roadmap, beginning with the then-scheduled 2020 Legislative Council elections, that would ultimately lead to the international community applying sanctions on the CCP. The ten steps of the plan were as follows:

1. July-August 2020 The Hong Kong government would issue widespread disqualifications to prominent pro-democracy activists, banning them from running in the 2020 Legislative Council election. Pro-democracy parties would respond by filling their candidacies with "Plan B" candidates.

2. September 2020 Outraged at the disqualifications, a large voter turnout in the Legislative Council elections would lead to the election of 35+ pro-democracy candidates, allowing the pan-democratic camp to achieve a legislative majority in the 70-person chamber.

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