If doctors lie, particularly in the field of public health, many people will die. [...] There are far too many people who are willing to tell bald-faced lies that even they don’t believe, which makes honesty a more precious commodity than ever. We cherish Dr. Li Wenliang because he told the truth."

— From an online essay paying tribute to Dr. Li Wenliang, the Wuhan ophthalmologist and COVID whistleblower who died of COVID symptoms five years ago. Each year on the anniversary of his death, many Chinese netizens flock to the comment section under Dr. Li's last Weibo post to thank him for his service, courage, and principles.


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On the Fifth Anniversary of COVID Whistleblower Dr. Li Wenliang’s Death: “The World Hasn’t Gotten Any Better. If Anything, It’s Even More Insane.”

February 6 marks the fifth anniversary of the death of Dr. Li Wenliang, a young ophthalmologist at Wuhan Central Hospital whose attempts to warn colleagues and the public of an emerging coronavirus made him a heroic symbol of free speech and principled resistance. Punished and forced to sign a letter of admonishment by the police, and chastised by Chinese state media for being a “rumormonger,” Dr. Li later contracted COVID in the course of his work at the hospital and died. His heart stopped in the late evening of February 6, 2020, although the official announcement of his death was delayed...

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Assessing Actors and Narratives in China-Africa Media Interactions

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Investigation Reveals Uyghur Forced Labor in Decathlon’s Supply Chain

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Minitrue Plus Five: February 11, 2020 – Novel Coronavirus Terminology, Superspreaders, Too Many Flags

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