
No shortage of money

来自China Digital Space

Anne讨论 | 贡献2015年2月17日 (二) 16:56的版本
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不差钱 (bú chà qián): no shortage of money

Still from the 2009 sketch “No Shortage of Money.” (Source: Wikipedia)

Sarcastic remark implying the speaker is lying or tricking the addressee, derived from a popular sketch on the 2009 CCTV Chinese New Year broadcast.

In the sketch, Zhao Benshan plays a poor farmer who hopes he and his granddaughter Yadan (played by Maomao) win the TV talent show “Avenue of Stars” (星光大道). He decides to treat the show’s host to an impressive dinner at a Scottish restaurant. When they arrive, Yadan has forgotten to bring the money her grandfather had entrusted to her. Zhao’s character bribes the waiter (Xiao Shenyang) to say that anything too expensive is off the menu. When the show host, Old Bi (Bi Fujian), tries to order, the grandfather insists that he has “no shortage of money,” but practically everything they try to order has “run out.” The plan falls apart, but Bi offers to pay the bill, and the waiter teams up with Yadan and her grandfather to appear on “Avenue of Stars.”

While the sketch was one of the more popular New Year gala acts, critics found fault in the moral of the story—or rather, the lack thereof. The screenwriter Wei Minglun complained, “I think what this sketch is trying to say is that, for a single night of fame, nothing is off the table. A person can grovel and brown nose. [...] I saw “No Shortage of Money,” but what it really lacks is morality. At the very least, Xiao Shenyang’s character is totally amoral” [Chinese].

/// Famous skit performed by Zhao Benshan, Bi Fujian, Xiao Shenyang, and Maomao. The performance was broadcast by CCTV during their annual Chinese New Year program in 2009. Zhao Benshan portrays a poor farmer who enters an expensive Scottish restaurant, claiming that he has “no shortage of money.” In order to impress his guest, Zhao colludes with the waiter, asking help him not to offer any expensive dishes.

“No shortage of money” is a sarcastic phrase signifying its polar opposite. The term is also used by government officials while pledging to take care of problems by allocating funds. Netizens have pointed out that officials often say they have “no shortage of money,” when in reality, they have no intention of providing any real solutions.