
Temporary worker

来自China Digital Space

Josh讨论 | 贡献2014年8月28日 (四) 19:33的版本
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临时工 (línshígōng): temporary worker

A temporary worker shields permanent employees from investigation.

Whoever they may be, these workers are often used as a convenient scapegoat by officials. For example, when several sponsors of the The Backbone Award withdrew their money in 2011, they claimed their support had been granted through documents forged by “temporary workers.” In January 2013, one netizen quipped that Beijing’s two million propaganda workers “outside the system” must be temporary workers.

“It was the temporary worker who forged these.”
An official leaves a trail of temporary workers’ vests as he flees the scene of his crime.
“He did it!” shrugs the chengguan.

A framed temporary worker walks the plank.
Police brutality? “It was all the temporary worker.”