
Wall Nation Forum

来自China Digital Space

Cdsadmin讨论 | 贡献2023年8月7日 (一) 05:02的版本 (文本替换 - 替换“Category”为“分类”)
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墙国论坛 (Qiángguó Lùntán): Wall Nation Forum

This sounds the same in Mandarin as the “Strong Nation Forum” (强国论坛), a Chinese bulletin board on the website of the state-run People’s Daily newspaper. While there is some free discussion allowed on the forum, entries are often deleted, and netizens suspect many members of the Fifty Cent Party are paid contributors to the site.

Wall” is a reference to the Great Firewall of China. The sarcastic term “Wall Nation Forum” is sometimes used to mock people who post nationalistic comments. For example, a netizen might write, “This is no place for you. You should take your comments to the Wall Nation Forum.”