
Remembering Li Wenliang

来自China Digital Space

Anne讨论 | 贡献2021年2月23日 (二) 17:37的版本 →‎China's Wailing Wall
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Jìniàn Lǐ Wénliàng | 纪念李文亮


On February 7, 2020, Dr. Li Wenliang, an ophthalmologist at the Central Hospital of Wuhan, passed away from a new disease he had warned his colleagues about in a WeChat group just six weeks earlier. His warning leaked to the internet, alerting the public for the first time to the novel coronavirus spreading in Wuhan. Authorities reacted quickly, branding Li a rumormonger. In an admonishment notice from the local police station, Li was told to “stop the illegal behavior. Can you do this?” He responded “Yes.” Then they warned him, “If you are stubborn, refuse to repent, and continue to carry out illegal activities, you will be punished by the law! Do you understand?” He wrote, “Understood.” Li returned to his medical practice until he too fell ill. From his sickbed, he told Caixin news, “There should be more than one voice in a healthy society.” His death sparked an outpouring of anger, grief, and demands for free speech from Chinese internet users. His final post to Weibo, revealing his positive antigen test, has transformed into a digital wailing wall, with netizens continuing to leave messages for Dr. Li every day, even a year after his passing.

In this CDS exhibit, you can explore the memes, tributes, and artwork inspired by the life and death of Dr. Li Wenliang.

Memes of Resistance

China's Wailing Wall





(golo 高佬 via 88 Bar)


Mourning Li Wenliang 悼李文亮
Yu Xiuhua 余秀华
Now rest! 且安息!
There’s no virus worse than “punishment for speech” 没有比“以言获罪”更厉害的病毒
There’s no world uglier than one that mixes right with wrong 没有比黑白不分更丑陋的人间
Now rest! 且安息!
The Yangtze River’s waters carry boats and capsize boats 长江之水载舟也覆舟
The Yellow River’s waves ferry people and ferry ghosts 黄河之浪渡人也渡鬼
Now rest! 且安息!
Now let me live my shameful life 且允许我苟且偷生
And let me sing my angry dirge 还允许我长歌当哭
We are not afraid to die 我们不怕死
We are afraid to die before our time 我们怕死于非命
You died, and my time died before its time 你死了,我的命非命
If there are viruses in heaven 如果天堂还有病毒
If you speak up again 如果你再喊一声
Then where will you go? 你会去向何处?
I hope wherever they take you in 我希望收容你的地方
There are still people 还是有人
Who speak Chinese 说着汉语
(Translated by Anne Henochowicz)



Farewell message to Dr. Li Wenliang written in the snow in Beijing,[1] February 2020 ("¡Hasta siempre! Farewell Li Wenliang! Homenaje al Dr. Li Wenliang que alertó del CoronaVirus" by Mikel Agirregabiria Agirre is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)

  • On Clubhouse, users set up a silent room to commemorate Dr. Li Wenliang around the date of the first anniversary of his death.[2]


Further Reading