
Dongguan prostitution bust

来自China Digital Space

Anne讨论 | 贡献2014年2月18日 (二) 21:09的版本 (Created page with "Soon after CCTV aired an exposé on prostitution in China’s “sex capital,” authorities in the southern city of Dongguan arrested 67 prostitutes and shut down 12 entertai...")
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Soon after CCTV aired an exposé on prostitution in China’s “sex capital,” authorities in the southern city of Dongguan arrested 67 prostitutes and shut down 12 entertainment venues doubling as brothels. CCTV elicited less shock than criticism. The undercover journalists did not examine the circumstances that make sex work an attractive career choice, nor the potentially exploitative treatment of prostitutes. With a stream of sex scandals involving government officials in the past few years, the reporters and police seem to be punishing those at the bottom of a very long food chain.

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