
Muddled Shit Times

来自China Digital Space

Mengyu讨论 | 贡献2015年6月7日 (日) 01:43的版本
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混球屎报 (Hùnqiú Shǐbào): Muddled Shit Times

Chief Editor Hu Xijin holding a copy of “Horrid Servile Shit Times” (坏俅屎报 Huàiqiú Shǐbào). (Source: Rebel Perpper)

Play on Global Times (环球时报 Huánqiú Shíbào), the name of a daily Chinese newspaper produced under the auspices of the state-run People’s Daily.

Variations: Horrid Ball Shit Times (坏球屎报 Huàiqiú Shǐbào), Horrid Servile Shit Times (坏俅屎报 Huàiqiú Shǐbào)


Huangkongyang (@黄孔养): Hu Xijin thinks Chinese people shouldn't use iPhone6. Note: The Chief Editor Hu of the Muddled Shit Times uses iPhone5S. (September 30, 2014)

胡锡进反对中国用iPhone6 注:《混球屎报》胡主编使用的是iPhone5S。 [Chinese]