


因教学需要,暑期学校课程 “当代西方政治哲学研究”授课大纲进行调整,改为多位老师分主题主讲。附调整后的课程授课大纲。






1.      引论:政治与政治哲学


–         Carl Schmitt (1927), “The Concept of the Political”
–         Hannah Arendt (1958), The Human Condition, ch.2 “The Public and the Private Realm”
–         Steven Lukes (1974), “Power: A Radical View”
–         Michel Foucault (1978), “Governmentality”
–         Claude Lefort (1980), “The Logic of Totalitarianism”
–         John Rawls (1989), “The Domain of the Political and Overlapping Consensus”
–         Bonnie Honig (1993), Political Theory and the Displacement of Politics, ch.5 “Rawls and the Remainders of Politics”
–         Julia Skorupska (2008), “Liberal Dilemmas and the Concept of Politics”
–         Lisa Schwartzman (2006), “Abstraction, Idealization, and Oppression”
–         William Galston (2010), “Realism in Political Theory”
–         Laura Valentini (2012), “Ideal vs. Non-ideal Theory: A Conceptual Map”
–         David Estlund (2017), “Methodological Moralism in Political Philosophy”
–         Naima Chahboun (2017), “Three Feasibility Constraints on the Concept of Justice”

2.      自由


–         Isaiah Berlin(1959), “Two Concepts of Liberty”
–         Charles Taylor (1979), “What’s Wrong with Negative Liberty?”
–         Philip Pettit (1997), Republicanism, ch.2 “Liberty as Non-domination”
–         Lars Vinx (2010),“Constitutional Indifferentism and Republican Freedom”
–         G. A. Cohen (2011), “Freedom and Money”
–         Michael Garnett (2018), “Coercion: The Wrong and the Bad”

3.      言论自由


–         J. S. Mill (1859), On Liberty, chs.2-4
–         Susan Brison (1998), “The Autonomy Defense of Free Speech”
–         Ian Cram (2009), “The Danish Cartoons, Offensive Expression, and Democratic Legitimacy”
–         Jacob Levy (2016), “Safe Spaces, Academic Freedom, and the University as a Complex Association”
–         Catharine MacKinnon (1985), “Pornography, Civil Rights, and Speech”
–         Jennifer Saul (2006), “Pornography, Speech Acts and Context”

4.      自由、平等、社会正义(I)核心争论


–         Robert Nozick (1974), Anarchy, State, and Utopia, ch.8 “Equality, Envy, Exploitation, Etc.”
–         Christopher Nock (1992), “Equal Freedom and Unequal Property: A Critique of Nozick’s Libertarian Case”
–         Samuel Freeman (2001), “Illiberal Libertarians: Why Libertarianism Is Not a Liberal View”
–         Elizabeth Anderson (2015), “Liberty, Equality, and Private Government”
–         John Rawls (1971), A Theory of Justice, ch.2-3 & 5
–         Amartya Sen (1979), “Equality of What?”
–         Thomas Pogge (1995), “Three Problems with Contractarian-Consequentialist Ways of Assessing Social Institutions”
–         Amy Gutmann & Denis Thompson (1996), Democracy and Disagreement, ch.8 “The Obligations of Welfare”
–         Corey Brettschneider (2012), “Public Justification and the Right to Private Property: Welfare Rights as Compensation for Exclusion”
–         Andrew Lister (2013),“The ‘Mirage’ of Social Justice: Hayek Against (and For) Rawls”

5.      自由、平等、社会正义(II)拓展争论


–         Mary Anne Warren (1977), “Secondary Sexism and Quota Hiring”
–         Véronique Munoz-Dardé (1998), “Rawls, Justice in the Family and Justice of the Family”
–         Georgia Warnke (1998), “Affirmative Action, Neutrality, and Integration”
–         Tommie Shelby (2007), “Justice, Deviance, and the Dark Ghetto”
–         Charles Mills (2013), “Retrieving Rawls for Racial Justice?: A Critique of Tommie Shelby”
–         Thomas Pogge (1998), World Poverty and Human Rights, ch.4 “Moral Universalism and Global Economic Justice”
–         Philippe Van Parijs (2000), “The Ground Floor of the World: On the Socio-Economic Consequences of Linguistic Globalization”
–         Michael Blake (2001), “Distributive Justice, State Coercion, and Autonomy”
–         Simon Caney (2006), “Global Justice, Rights and Climate Change”

6.      民主(I):奠基


–         David Guston (1993), “The Essential Tension in Science and Democracy”
–         David Estlund (2003), “Why Not Epistocracy?”
–         Arthur Lupia (2006), “How Elitism Undermines the Study of Voter Competence”
–         Jason Brennan (2011), “The Right to a Competent Electorate”
–         Hélène Landemore (2014), Democratic Reason, ch.6 “Second Mechanism of Democratic Reason: Majority Rule”
–         Joshua Cohen (1989), “Deliberation and Democratic Legitimacy”
–         Chantal Mouffe (2000), “Deliberative Democracy or Agonistic Pluralism?”
–         Nadia Urbinati (2006), Representative Democracy, ch.1 “Representation and Democracy”
–         Stephen Tierney (2012), Constitutional Referendums, ch2. “Beyond Representation: Constitutional Referendums and Deliberative Democracy”

7.      民主(II):优化


–         Stephen Holms (1988), “Precommitment and the Paradox of Democracy”
–         Jeremy Waldron (1999), “Precommitment and Disagreement”
–         Lynn Sanders (1997), “Against Deliberation”
–         Simone Chambers (2009), “Rhetoric and the Public Sphere: Has Deliberative Democracy Abandoned Mass Democracy?”
–         Jane Mansbridge et al. (2012), “A Systemic Approach to Deliberative Democracy”
–         Dennis Thompson (2002), Just Elections, ch.1 “Equal Respect: Why Votes Count”
–         Peter Stone (2016), “Sortition, Voting, and Democratic Equality”
–         Kevin Elliott (2017), “Aid for Our Purposes: Mandatory Voting as Precommitment and Nudge”
–         Trevor Garrison Smith (2017), Politicizing Digital Space, ch.5-6

8.     民主(III):退化


–         Margaret Canovan (1999), “Trust the People! Populism and the Two Faces of Democracy”
–         Cas Mudde (2004), “The Populist Zeitgeist”
–         Koen Abts & Stefan Rummens (2007), “Populism versus Democracy”
–         Pierre Rosanvallon (2011), “The Metamorphoses of Democratic Legitimacy: Impartiality, Reflexivity, Proximity”
–         Nadia Urbinati (2014), Democracy Disfigured, ch.2 “Unpolitical Democracy”
–         Sofia Näsström (2015), “Democratic Representation Beyond Election”

9.      国家(I):归属感与忠诚


–         Alasdair MacIntyre (1984), “Is Patriotism a Virtue?”
–         Robert Goodin (1988), “What Is So Special About Our Fellow Countrymen?”
–         Patchen Markell (2000), “Making Affect Safe for Democracy? On Constitutional Patriotism”
–         David Miller (2005), “Reasonable Partiality Toward Compatriots”
–         Anna Stilz (2009), Liberal Loyalty, ch.6-7

10.  国家(II):主权与跨国治理


–         Michael Walzer (1980), “The Moral Standing of States: A Response to Four Critics”
–         Christopher Wellman (2012), “Taking Human Rights Seriously”
–         Dennis Thompson (1999), “Democratic Theory and Global Society”
–         Samantha Besson (2009), “Whose Constitution(s)?: International Law, Constitutionalism and Democracy”
–         Sarah Song (2012), “The Boundary Problem in Democratic Theory: Why the Demos Should be Bounded by the State”
–         Jürgen Habermas (2012), “The Crisis of the European Union in the Light of a Constitutionalization of International Law”

11.  国家(III):领土与移民


–         Allan Buchanan (1997), “Theories of Secession”
–         Alan Patten (2002), “Democratic Secession from a Multinational State”
–         Margaret Moore (2015), A Political Theory of Territory, ch.3 “Foundations of a Theory of Territory”
–         Joseph Carens (1987), “Aliens and Citizens: The Case for Open Borders”
–         Arash Abizadeh (2008), “Democratic Theory and Border Coercion: No Right to Unilaterally Control Your Own Borders”
–         Michael Blake (2013), “Immigration, Jurisdiction, and Exclusion”

12.  战争与恐怖主义


–         Andrew Valls (2000), “Can Terrorism Be Justified?”
–         David Kretzmer (2013), “The Inherent Right to Self-Defense and Proportionality in Jus Ad Bellum
–         David Rodin (2014), “The Myth of National Self-Defense”
–         Jeff McMahan (2004), “The Ethics of Killing in War”
–         Samuel Scheffler (2006), “Is Terrorism Morally Distinctive?”
–         Jeremy Waldon (2009), “Civilians, Terrorism, and Deadly Serious Conventions”

13.  宗教及文化认同


–         John Rawls (1997), “The Idea of Public Reason Revisited”
–         Jürgen Habermas (2006), “Religion in the Public Sphere”
–         Cristina Lafont (2009), “Religion and the Public Sphere: What Are the Deliberative Obligations of Democratic Citizenship?”
–         Christian Joppke (2007), “State Neutrality and Islamic Headscarf Laws in France and Germany”
–         Cécile Laborde (2017), Liberalism’s Religion, ch.6 “Disaggregating Religion in Freedom of Religion: Individual Exemptions and Liberal Justice”
–         Will Kymlicka (1989), Liberalism, Community and Culture, chs.7-8
–         Brian Walker (1999), “Modernity and Cultural Vulnerability: Should Ethnicity Be Privileged?”
–         Ayelet Shachar (2000), “On Citizenship and Multicultural Vulnerability”
–         Sarah Song (2005), “Majority Norms, Multiculturalism, and Gender Equality”
–         Monique Deveaux (2007), Gender and Justice in Multicultural Liberal States, ch.4 “Deliberative Democracy: Empowering Cultural Communities”

14.  待定

15.  待定(总结)

16.  随堂考试



第一讲 导论:什么是政治哲学? (7月9日)
主讲人:李 强 (北京大学政府管理学院)

第二讲 约翰·罗尔斯:作为公平的正义 (7月10日)
主讲人:韩水法 (北京大学哲学系)

第三讲 罗伯特·诺齐克:自由至上主义 (7月11日)
主讲人:胡惊雷 (四川省社科院哲学所)

第四讲 人工智能时代的政治哲学 (7月12日)
主讲人:胡惊雷 (四川省社科院哲学所)

第五讲 平等理论 (7月13日)
主讲人:李 石 (中国人民大学国际关系学院)

第六讲 民主理论 I (7月16日)
主讲人:段德敏 (北京大学政府管理学院)

第七讲 民主理论 II (7月17日)
主讲人:段德敏 (北京大学政府管理学院)

第八讲 迈克尔·桑德尔:正义的局限 (7月18日)
主讲人:宫睿 (中国政法大学人文学院)

第九讲 马克斯·韦伯理论中的价值问题 (7月19日)
主讲人:陈德中 (中国社科院哲学所)

第十讲 能动性、透明性与政治 (7月20日)
主讲人:陈德中 (中国社科院哲学所)

第十一讲 新共和主义 (7月23日)
主讲人:应 奇 (华东师范大学哲学系)

第十二讲 新法兰克福学派 (7月24日)
主讲人:应 奇 (华东师范大学哲学系)

第十三讲 宽容的概念 (7月25日)
主讲人:曹 钦 (南开大学哲学院)

第十四讲 迈克尔·弗里登:意识形态研究 (7月26日)
主讲人:张新刚 (北京大学历史学系)

第十五讲 卡尔·施米特:政治与敌人 (7月27日)
主讲人:方 博 (北京大学哲学系)

