A woman, left, whose relatives were onboard the capsized tourist ship grieves as she seeks information of them outside the mortuary which has been closed off by authorities in Jianli county in central China's Hubei province Wednesday June 3, 2015. Hopes dimmed Wednesday for rescuing more than 400 people still trapped in a capsized river cruise ship that overturned in stormy weather, as hundreds of rescuers searched the Yangtze River site in what could become the deadliest Chinese maritime accident in decades. (AP Photo/Andy Wong) ORG XMIT: XAW122

A woman, left, whose relatives were onboard the capsized tourist ship grieves as she seeks information of them outside the mortuary which has been closed off by authorities in Jianli county in central China’s Hubei province Wednesday June 3, 2015. Hopes dimmed Wednesday for rescuing more than 400 people still trapped in a capsized river cruise ship that overturned in stormy weather, as hundreds of rescuers searched the Yangtze River site in what could become the deadliest Chinese maritime accident in decades. (AP Photo/Andy Wong) ORG XMIT: XAW122

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A relative of a missing passenger aboard the capsized ship Eastern Star cries on the banks of the Jianli section of Yangtze River in Hubei province, China, June 4, 2015. REUTERS/Aly Song

A relative of a missing passenger aboard the capsized ship Eastern Star cries on the banks of the Jianli section of Yangtze River in Hubei province, China, June 4, 2015. REUTERS/Aly Song

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1. @我卖糕的2020:本来是惨绝人寰的悲剧,转了一圈变成了夸奖领导的游戏。这是对死者最大的亵渎和侮辱。

2. 大鹏看天下:或许,那句名言很快会变成:资本之外的能力等于零……

3. @简直:三十年来我最佩服的品牌运营轨迹:国营企业—国有企业—中央国有企业—中央企业—央企—(党)中央直管企业。

4. @云南工商学院校友会:当香港学生勇敢走上街头时,北师大的学生正怀念自己被握过的手,激动得恨不得一辈子不洗手,这就是文明的差距。

5. @WoodenHarp:这是前几天楼继伟和麻生太郎在钓鱼台国宾馆会面的照片。国家顶级对外形象窗口的文化档次和《小苹果》是匹配的,所以你才理解复旦山寨东京大学的旨趣是多么不凡。

6. 实事求石:网友:有时想想,某种社会真的很像东方之星。革命破坏了文明历史传承,使得社会吃水很浅;等级制使整个社会重心偏高;驾驶者赶着去实现某种目标,一味任性不顾大风大浪;抗不住风浪时,就试图调头;民众和游客追求享乐的初衷一样,有风浪便紧闭舱门,将命运托付给船长,一旦倾覆就很难脱身。

7. 被洗脑的四大标志:一.民族主义情节。二.爱国主义情节。三. 大一统情节。四.偶像崇拜情节。此四大标志是专制统治的隐形支点。也是人类文明与和平的四大毒瘤。只要有此情节作祟,就会自觉或不知不觉地配合专制作恶。

8. @老榕:五毛和自干五最让人瞧不上的是,有人说浮桥啊探照灯啊帐篷啊睡袋啊炊事车啊防护服啊护目镜啊声纳啊,他们上来就说你不爱中国你滚出去。且不说凭什么让我滚啊,这国家也是我的。你连同胞都不爱,你才应滚出地球去呢。

9. @石扉客2014:我对记者卧底高考一事没有一丁点评论的欲望。既高度佩服南都同行们的职业精神,又高度伤感于时代的逡巡与行业的凋敝。这是一个多么古老的方式和多么陈旧的话题啊,市场化媒体十多年前就已经完全解决了的报道技术与伦理问题,现在还能被业界学界煞有其事的刷屏讨论,恰是逼仄现实中无话找话的写照。

10. @北京厨子新号:当年汶川地震,也有多少人追问倒塌的小学,甚至还有人因此入狱。大家被要求不许问这样的问题,应该集中注意力在救灾方面。于是乎,几年过去,当年的豆腐渣工程蒙混过关,无人入狱,而天量的公众募捐最后成为贪腐的重灾区。惨痛的过去,历历在目。

