来源In China, to get rich is not always glorious

In China, to get rich is not always glorious


China is wealthier – but its people are unhappier. Its new five-year plan will hope to cheer them up


Two years ago a book called Unhappy China became a bestseller in the People’s Republic. It was a collective effort by a group of nationalists who complained that their government was giving in to western bullying. It carried an unpleasant political message, but it did raise the question of why – given that China had prospered for 30 years and its people were better off than they had been for 50 years – should unhappiness be an issue at all.


Regardless of their motive, the authors of Unhappy China were on to something. Earlier this week, as China Digital Times reported, China’s censors in the State Council Information Office issued an order: “All websites are requested to immediately remove the story ‘In China 94% Are Unhappy; Top-Heavy Concentration of Wealth’ and related information. Forums, blogs, microblogs, and other interactive spaces are not to discuss the matter.”


The figures came from a global Gallup Poll in which Denmark scored an impressive 82% of respondents who described themselves as happy. In China only 6% said they were, ranking the country 125th. China’s least happy respondents lived in the first-tier cities, where people are relatively better off. Results like this are not very good news for a government whose legitimacy for the past 30 years has rested on rising living standards.


Since Deng Xiaoping announced that “to get rich is glorious”, a minority – most of them in the Communist party – have grown very rich indeed. Millions more are better off. However, for the last decade, average household incomes have flatlined as a percentage of GDP and the wealth gap has yawned. Across China, people have rediscovered the well-rehearsed truth that material satisfaction is relative.

  邓小平曾提出 “致富最光荣”。确实,当代中国的少数人(大部分为党内人士)异常富裕,亿万民众也较以前有钱。但是过去的10年中,普通国民的收入在GDP中的占比并没有增加,贫富差距十分严重。整个中国,人们已意识到这不断被重复的真理:物质幸福是相对的。

The party is worried. For the last two Sundays some areas of Beijing and other cities have been swamped with police to forestall any possible imitation of demonstrations in the Middle East.


In China there has been little public response but nothing seems to calm the jagged nerves of a government that now spends more on internal security than on external defence.


As the National People’s Congress meets in Beijing this week, happiness is much on its collective mind. Before the 3,000 delegates is China’s 12th five-year plan, an economic blueprint that aims to spread the wealth a little more evenly. From this year, China will attempt to chart a course that will transform the economy from its current export-led, low-wage, low added-value model into a greener and more equitable mode of development. If it succeeds, it will be a shift in China’s economic direction that will have global importance.


The fear of popular discontent is only part of it. The real imperative is that China has exhausted all the elements that made the old economic model work: energy, resources, cheap labour, water and markets.


It has the world’s most rapidly ageing population, and the most developed parts of China are facing labour shortages that make wage levels uncompetitive. Industrial pollution of air and water have brought soaring cancer levels and irreversible land degradation, and the value added by churning out cheap goods for richer countries is not enough to pay for the damage. China has to change or implode.


Like Japan, Taiwan and South Korea before it, China must now attempt to move up the value chain, inventing its own technologies, not assembling those of others. There will be huge investment in seven strategic emerging industries including electric cars, biotechnology, nuclear and renewable energy, and IT. Government investment in research and development is aimed at ensuring that the next generation of key technology patents are Chinese.


More people will move from the countryside to cities, which will aim to be more habitable as China shifts its climate narrative from the defensive truculence of “the west caused it; the west must fix it” to a story of economic opportunity and promise. If the plan works, the west will have to look at its assumptions of technological dominance, and the country that has been emblematic of the world’s environmental problems could become the key to solving them. Whether it will succeed in cheering up 94% of Chinese who are presently unhappy is another question.

  未来,越来越多的中国人口将从农村迁往城市。随着中国政府面对环境问题所持态度的改变,收回“西方国家造成的问题,应该由西方国家来解决”的强硬辩解,宣称将城市化进程当作经济发展的机遇,承诺建设宜居新城市。如果计划得以实现,西方国家必须重视中国在处理环境问题上的存在技术优势的可能,既然中国一直是全球环境问题的代表,中国能否解决其环境问题是解决全球环境问题的关键。 但能否成功取悦94%感觉不幸福的中国民众,则是另外的问题。










