来源In China, Kim Jong Il studies the reforms he’s spent decades resisting

In China, Kim Jong Il studies the reforms he’s spent decades resisting



— North Korea’s leader traveled through China this week to observe the very economic reforms that he has resisted for decades. Chauffeured in an armored train and convoy of black Audi sedans, Kim Jong Il toured an automobile factory, a solar panel plant and a discount store, where he reportedly inquired about cooking oil but didn’t buy anything.


Kim’s fling with Chinese commercialism — capped by a sit-down Wednesday in Beijing with Chinese President Hu Jintao — fostered the latest hopeful talk that North Korea will open the world’s most controlled economy. For outside analysts, though, the trip revealed the odd stagecraft North Korea must perform as it bluffs interest in reform and then converts China’s approval into the aid and diplomatic support Kim needs to keep his country intact.

金正日扑向中国的商业化—— 通过周三在北京与中国国家主席胡锦涛坐谈——培育了最新的希望。谈话说,北韩希望将开放世界管制最严重的经济。外界分析家认为,旅行透露出金正日对改革表示兴趣,这不过是在表演。是想让中国进行援助和外交支持,金需要国家的稳定。

To get these things [Kim] may have to mouth platitudes about reform, privately, or maybe even publicly,” Marcus Noland, a Washington-based North Korea economics expert, said in an e-mail. “But I am quite skeptical of either his true interest or even his capacity to implement.”

“要获得这些东西,[]可能是装腔作势地发出改革的陈词滥调,私下里或者甚至是公开地,”华盛顿的北韩经济专家马库斯诺兰在一封邮件中说。 “但我怀疑他是不是真的感兴趣,甚至怀疑他有没有这个能力来执行。”

Having promised his 25 million people that North Korea will transform by 2012 into a “strong and prosperous” nation, Kim has turned to China, Pyongyang’s most important trade partner and benefactor. Kim, 69, wants to gain Beijing’s backing for plans to pass power to his youngest son, Kim Jong Eun. He also needs increased food aid, with one-quarter of his country vulnerable to shortages, according to a recent U.N. report.


But analysts say that none of this can come at the expense of major market reforms, which would weaken North Korea’s state-controlled system and, in turn, jeopardize the Kim family leadership business.


Though Kim’s visits to China usually compel silence from Chinese authorities, Premier Wen Jiabao told South Korean President Lee Myung-bak on Sunday that this trip would allow Kim to observe, and potentially adopt, market-oriented reforms. Kim has spent six days on the road amid the highest-profile of his eight trips across the border, traveling more than 2,000 miles. One night, Kim dined at a Holiday Inn. He also met with China’s former president, Jiang Zemin.


North Korea

experts in Seoul and Washington point out that Kim, for decades, has both marveled at China’s development and rejected its policies. In 1983, Kim — then North Korea’s leader-in-training, with his father, Kim Il Sung, still alive — visited China for the first time. On a train ride from Nanjing to Beijing, he met with reformist Hu Yaobang, who talked about China’s evolving policies. Kim, who took power in 1994, didn’t return to China for almost two decades.

首尔和华盛顿的朝鲜专家指出,金正日,几十年来,既惊叹于中国的发展,又拒绝其政策。 1983年,金——时为朝鲜准领导人,陪同他还健在的父亲金日成。——第一次访问了中国。在从南京到北京的火车上,他会见了改革派胡耀邦,关于中国的发展政策进行了座谈。金,1994年接任了权力,近二十年没有去过中国。

In Shanghai in 2001, Kim, according to a North Korean news account, toured the Shanghai Stock Exchange, the Shanghai subway system, a high-tech park and the international convention center. The Shanghai experience influenced Kim in at least one way: He returned to Pyongyang and called for the education of new architects.


Under Kim, North Korea has instituted fitful economic ­changes, but those steps have often been followed by swift reversals or counter-policies. Pyongyang authorities have advocated for limited private trade; then they’ve cracked down on it. In 2009, a currency revaluation wiped out the savings of a growing lower-middle class, hurting the burgeoning open markets.

在金正日的统治下,朝鲜已有了断断续续的经济变化,但这些措施往往被迅速逆转或反政策遵循。平壤当局主张有限的私人贸易;随之被取缔。 2009年,货币升值消灭了越来越多中低收入阶层的储蓄,伤害了蓬勃发展的开放的市场。

North Korea

does maintain several joint development projects with China along their shared border. The Chosun Ilbo, a major Seoul daily, reported that the countries will join in two more projects this month. Isolated from much of the international community, and increasingly ignored by South Korea, Pyongyang is “apparently trying to show that effects of economic sanctions by the South can be balanced out by economic cooperation with China,” the paper wrote.


Kim’s trip to China continued as a U.S. State Department team arrived Tuesday in Pyongyang to assess the country’s food situation and explore the resumption of food aid. The United States hasn’t delivered food aid to North Korea since 2009, and critics suggest that there is insufficient transparency to monitor donations.


Last week, four senators wrote to Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, expressing skepticism about food aid to the North.


It seems that the other central goal of North Korea’s food aid program is to ensure ample food stocks for 2012, when Kim Jong Il’s regime will seek to prove its legitimacy by demonstrating it is a ‘powerful and prosperous country,’ ” said the letter from Sens. John McCain (R-Ariz.), Joseph I. Lieberman (I-Conn.), James Webb (D-Va.) and Jon Kyl (R-Ariz.). “This, too, is not an effort that the international community should play any part in bolstering.”

“看来,其他北朝鲜的粮食援助方案的中心目标是确保2012年,有充足的粮食储备。届时,金正日政权将由此证明它的合法性,它是一个‘强大的和繁荣的国家,’”参议员约翰麦凯恩(R-Ariz.),约瑟夫利伯曼一(I-Conn.),詹姆斯韦伯(D-Va.)和凯尔(R-Ariz.)在信中说道。 “这也不应该是国际社会努力增强的一部分。”







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