美国也曾经有过很多煤老板,他们也喜欢房地产,也喜欢扎堆买房子—–不,扎堆盖房子。比如罗德岛的新港(Newport),就聚集了一大堆煤老板故居。最有名的是Vanderbilt盖的豪宅,名叫The Breakers:


这里还是JFK的遗孀Jacqueline Kennedy长大的地方。如今她的故居仍在,但主人换成了Fruit of the Loom的老板。想知道这位新贵是干什么的吗?去Google吧:
jacky K-s

民歌迷肯定对这里也不陌生,Dylan就是在这里首次“插电”,背叛民歌传统的。说到摇滚乐,上次贴的那首歌是Fyfe Dangerfield唱的《Any Direction>,歌词如下:

The boy in the iron mask with wire for brains
is firing bows and arrows wherever he thinks it should rain
Yeah he’s drunk too much coffee once again

This could go in any direction
Any direction at all
This could go in any direction
Any direction at all

Our memories in the cupboard are getting up and walking
And there’s life going on but we’re too busy talking
What I am trying to say
Is that we’re losing our way

But this could go in any direction
Any direction at all
This could go in any direction
Any direction at all

And some heart is always going to get broken
And somebody’s always going to crack
Something is always going to be incomplete
But you have to stop this looking back

This could go in any direction
Any direction at all
This could go in any direction
Any direction at all

You could go in any direction
Any direction at all
Yeah this could go in any direction
Any direction at all

Hold your nerve and keep on walking
All we have to do is keep on walking

This could go in any direction
Any direction at all
This could go in any direction
Any direction at all
