原文参见: [powazek.com]

  1. 因特网是中立的,无好无坏。人有动机,网络没有。The internet is neutral. It is neither good nor bad. People have motivations, the internet does not.
  2. 我们改变因特网更甚于因特网改变我们。人类也会改变,但是非常缓慢。We change the internet more than it changes us. Human motivations may change, but they change very slowly.
  3. 人类很江湖,人类发明的技术也很江湖。我们必须正视这一点。People are messy. The technology we invent is messy, too. Deal with it.
  4. 因特网不是传统媒体的敌人,它只是新成员。所有的媒体如果和平共处这个世界才会更美好。The internet is not in opposition to traditional media, it’s just more media. All media works better when it works together.
  5. 所有的现实都是虚拟的。思想也是虚拟的,并且将会永远如此。因特网使我们能够更好地实现“同一个梦想”。All reality is virtual. Thought is and has always been virtual. The internet enables us to think together.
  6. 技术并不是人性的敌人,发明和使用技术是造就我们人性的一个组成部分。Technology is not the opposite of humanity. Inventing and using technology is one of the defining characteristics of being human.
  7. 因特网可用来行善或者作恶,但它终究是这个网络世界的一个积极的力量,因为它把我们联系在一起。The internet can be used for good or bad, but it is a net positive force in the world, because it connects us to each other.
  8. 信息的增加总是好过信息的不足。人类相互之间进行自由的交往是一项基本人权。More information is better than less. Freedom to connect to others is a fundamental human right.
  9. 访问因特网开拓了视野,倾听别人的故事使我们更加聪明,更富于同情心。Access to the internet broadens horizons. Hearing other people’s stories makes us more empathetic, smarter.
  10. 因特网是人创造的,如果你不满意,你可以使它更好。People make the internet what it is. If you don’t like it, make it better.

