受到 Brandon Stanton 的纽约众生相(HONY)启发,Nina Steinberg 创立了脸书页衣索匹亚众生相,展示衣索匹亚人的生活剪影。


今年夏天探索衣索匹亚时,我决定创立一个空间,分享我所窥见的陌生人或新朋友的生活,以及自己在这里渐渐了解的迷人生活。灵感来自 Brandon 的纽约众生相。


Weaving. Photo by Humans of Ethiopia.




Ethiopian women carrying wood on their back. Photo by Humans of Ethiopia.


Ready for Ethiopia coffee ceremony. Photo by Humans of Ethiopia.

衣索匹亚咖啡会是一种很美的咖啡饮用仪式,首先要拿着烘烤生咖啡豆的锅子在房间绕行,让大家闻闻咖啡的香气;接着将咖啡豆捣碎研磨,在称作 Jebena 的陶土锅(照片左方)中煮;最后将咖啡倒入托盘上的小瓷杯端给大家 ── 总共三次。照片来自衣索匹亚众生相,经许可使用。

I caught them waving chat at the goat and laughed at the thought of a goat getting high. But when I came over to snap a photo, the father wouldn’t smile until he clarified that he was only feeding the goat chat… not his precious little girl. Photo by Humans of Ethiopia.

我看见他们向羊挥动着恰特草,说笑着也许羊也能嗑药嗑 high,当我走近照相时,这名父亲收起笑容并解释他只是在喂羊而没有给他的宝贝女儿吃恰特草。照片来自衣索匹亚众生相,经许可使用。

Eat at facefood. Photo by Humans of Ethiopia.

在 facefood 用餐。照片来自衣索匹亚众生相,经许可使用。

“The purest and most thoughtful minds are those which love color the most.” -John Ruskin, The Stones of Venice. Photo by Humans of Ethiopia.
“最纯粹、最有思想的,是最爱色彩的那些心灵。”─ John Ruskin《威尼斯之石》。照片来自衣索匹亚众生相,经许可使用。

衣索匹亚设计师 Salam Nigussie 展示她的作品:“我穿的衣服是自己设计制做的。”照片来自衣索匹亚众生相,经许可使用。


作者 Ndesanjo Macha · 译者 Hsu-Lei Lee · 阅读原文 en · 则留言 (0)
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