Sean R Roberts, The war on the Uyghurs: China’s internal campaign against a Muslim minority, Princeton University Press, 2020.
Sean R Roberts, The war on the Uyghurs: China’s internal campaign against a Muslim minority, Princeton University Press, 2020.
‘Media: Xi Jinping is first to mention “zero tolerance” for terrorism’ [媒体:习近平首次提出对恐怖主义”零容忍”], People’s Daily Online [人民网], 22 May 2014
‘Media: Xi Jinping is first to mention “zero tolerance” for terrorism’ [媒体:习近平首次提出对恐怖主义”零容忍”], People’s Daily Online [人民网], 22 May 2014
Paul Mozur, ‘One month, 500,000 face scans: how China is using AI to profile a minority’, The New York Times, 14 April 2019; Michael Clarke, ‘Settler colonialism and the path toward cultural genocide in Xinjiang’, in Adrian Gallagher, Charles T Hunt, Cecilia Jacob (eds), Global responsibility to protect, Brill, Leiden, 2021; James Leibold, ‘The spectre of insecurity: the CCP’s mass internment strategy in Xinjiang’, China Leadership Monitor, 1 March 2019.
Austin Ramzy, Chris Buckley, ‘”Absolutely no mercy”: Leaked files expose how China organized mass detentions of Muslims’, The New York Times, 16 November 2019
‘Media: Xi Jinping is first to mention “zero tolerance” for terrorism’, People’s Daily Online, 22 May 2014
Gui Tiantian [桂田田], ‘The “counterterrorism work leading small groups” demystified: Counterterrorism work leading small groups have been set up in different regions, and their functions include counterterrorist intelligence, early warnings, emergency response, etc.’ [揭秘”反恐怖工作领导小组”: 各地反恐怖工作领导小组陆续成立 职能包括反恐情报预警、应急处置、善后等], People’s Daily Online [人民网], 26 May 2014, online; ‘Xinjiang launches the Strike Hard Campaign against violent terrorism’ [新疆启动严打暴恐专项行动], People’s Daily [人民日报], 24 May 2014
Since in Xinjiang and elsewhere in China there have been many ‘strike hard’ campaigns, this report uses the shortened term ‘2014 Counterterrorism Campaign’ to refer to this campaign. The authors note that other researchers have adopted the term ‘2014 Strike Hard Campaign’. See ‘“Break their lineage, break their roots”: China’s crimes against humanity targeting Uyghurs and other Turkic Muslims’, Human Rights Watch, 19 April 2021
‘Xinjiang will continue to carry out the Counterterrorism Campaign this year’ [新疆今年继续开展严打专项行动], State Council Information Office [国务院新闻办公室], 8 January 2015
Zhang Yi [张亦], ‘The story behind the dismissal of Zhang Chunxian: Is Zhongnanhai dissatisfied with his soft approach to governance of Xinjiang?’’ [张春贤“出局”背后 中南海不满柔性治疆?], DuoWei News [多维新闻], 30 October 2017
Xiao Zhongren [肖中仁], Yang Qiong [杨琼], ‘Xinjiang secretary Zhang Chunxian discussing his “soft approach to Xinjiang’s governance” (video)’ [新疆书记张春贤谈“柔性治疆”体会(视频)], Sina News [新浪新闻], 10 March 2012
Zhang Ran [张然], ‘Chen Quanguo appointed Xinjiang party secretary, Zhang Chunxian transferred elsewhere’ [陈全国任新疆书记张春贤另有任用], Beijing Times [京华时报] via People’s Daily Online [人民网], 30 August 2016
Meng Yaxu [孟亚旭], Shi Xiuli [施秀丽], ‘From Tibet to Xinjiang, Chen Quanguo has kept this unique habit’ [从西藏到新疆,陈全国保留这个特殊习惯], People’s Daily Online [人民网] via Sohu News [搜狐新闻], 23 February 2017
Jessica Batke, ‘Where did the one million figure for detentions in Xinjiang’s camps come from?’, China File, 8 January 2019
Ben Dooley, ‘Inside China’s internment camps: tear gas, tasers and textbooks’, AFP, 25 October 2018
See section 7.2: Re-education camps, for a full list of justifications Xinjiang authorities have used to round people up; Raffi Khatchadourian, ‘Surviving the crackdown in Xinjiang’, The New Yorker, 5 April 2021
Gerry Shih, ‘China’s mass indoctrination camps evoke Cultural Revolution’, The Associated Press, 18 May 2018; ‘“Eradicating ideological viruses”—China’s campaign of repression against Xinjiang’s Muslims’, Human Rights Watch, 9 September 2018, online; Adrian Zenz, ‘“Thoroughly reforming them towards a healthy heart attitude”: China’s political re-education campaign in Xinjiang’, Central Asian Survey, 2019, 38(1):102–128; Nathan Ruser, ‘Exploring Xinjiang’s detention system’, The Xinjiang Data Project, ASPI, Canberra.
Wang Mingshan [王明山], ‘Establish and maintain social stability, long-lasting stable rule’ [开创维护社会稳定和长治久安新局面], People’s Public Security Newspaper [人民公安报], 7 November 2017; Li Gang, ‘Ensure the realisation of continuous stability, long-term stability and comprehensive stability’ [李刚: 确保实现持续稳定长期稳定全面稳定], Tianshan News [天山网], 17 July 2017
Vicky Xiuzhong Xu, Danielle Cave, James Leibold, Kelsey Munro, Nathan Ruser, ‘Uyghurs for sale: ‘re-education’, forced labour and surveillance beyond Xinjiang’, ASPI, Canberra, 1 March 2020
Nathan Ruser, James Leibold, ‘Family de-planning: the coercive campaign to drive down indigenous birth-rates in Xinjiang’, ASPI, Canberra, 12 May 2021
See section 7.1: Propaganda
‘China: Crimes against humanity in Xinjiang’, Human Rights Watch, 19 April 2021
‘The Uyghur genocide: An examination of China’s breaches of the 1948 Genocide Convention’, New Institute for Strategy and Policy, March 2021
‘The Uyghur genocide: An examination of China’s breaches of the 1948 Genocide Convention’, New Institute for Strategy and Policy, March 2021
Nathan Ruser, ‘Documenting Xinjiang’s detention system’, ASPI, Canberra, September 2020, online; Chris Buckley, Austin Ramzy, ‘Night images reveal many new detention sites in China’s Xinjiang region’, The New York Times, 24 September 2020
Adrian Zenz, ‘The Karakax list: dissecting the anatomy of Beijing’s internment drive in Xinjiang’, Journal of Political Risk, February 2020, vol. 8
Chris Buckley, ‘China’s prisons swell after deluge of arrests engulfs Muslims’, The New York Times, 31 August 2019, online; Gene A Bunin, ‘From camps to prisons: Xinjiang’s next great human rights catastrophe’, Art of Life in Chinese Central Asia, 5 October 2019
Nathan Ruser, ‘Exploring Xinjiang’s detention system’, Xinjiang Data Project, ASPI, Canberra, 24 September 2020
Nathan Ruser, ‘Exploring Xinjiang’s detention system’, Xinjiang Data Project, ASPI, Canberra, 24 September 2020
Charles P Cell, Revolution at work: Mobilization campaigns in China, Academic Press, New York, 1977, 67-73; Gordon A Bennett, Yundong: Mass campaigns in Chinese communist leadership, Center for Chinese Studies, Berkeley, 1976, 44-45.
Harold M Tanner, Strike hard! Anti-crime campaigns and Chinese criminal justice, 1979-1985, Cornell University Press, Ithaca, New York, 1999, p. 89, pp. 143-147.
Sigal Samuel, ‘China is treating Islam like a mental illness’, The Atlantic, 28 August 2018
Ding Junping [丁俊萍], ‘Reflections on Mao Zedong’s theories and thoughts on the party’s political construction’ [毛泽东关于党的政治建设的理论思考], *Mao Zedong Research* [毛泽东研究], 2018, 52–59
‘China: Two former Uyghur officials sentenced for “separatist activities”‘, Deutsche Welle English, 7 April 2021, online; Mamtimin Ala, ‘Turn in the two-faced: The plight of Uyghur intellectuals’, The Diplomat, 12 October 2018
‘Cultural Revolution restored: Seven cadres who cannot recite the quotes of Chen Quanguo are punished’ [文革復辟︰背不出陳全國語錄,七幹部受罰], *Radio Free Asia Cantonese*, 23 October 2017
“Three Gratitudes, Three Wishes” lead Uchturpan farmers and herdsmen party members to demonstrate their loyalty’ [“三感恩,三祝愿”引领乌什农牧民党员践忠诚], *Tianshan News* [天山网], 16 June 2017
Ramzy & Buckley, ‘“Absolutely no mercy”: Leaked files expose how China organized mass detentions of Muslims’
Xinjiang High People’s Court orders thorough implementation of “strike hard” targeted actions’ [自治区高级人民法院要求:深入推进‘严打’专项行动], The State Council Information Office [中华人民共和国国务院新闻办公室], 23 December 2014; Pang Congwu [潘从武], ‘Xinjiang High People’s Court further implements strike hard targeted actions against violence and terrorism, trials are combined with public denunciations’ [新疆高院深入推进严打暴恐专项行动,审判与揭批相结合], *Sina News* [新浪新闻], 23 December 2014
See section 7.1: Propaganda
He Bing [何兵], ‘1.6 million people participated in show trials’ [160万人参加的公判大会], *Sina News* [新浪新闻], 7 November 2014
‘Xinjiang High People’s Court orders thorough implementation of “strike hard” targeted actions’, State Council Information Office, 23 December 2014; Pang Congwu, ’Xinjiang High People’s Court further implements strike hard targeted actions against violence and terrorism, trials are combined with public denunciations’, *Sina News*, 23 December 2014
Klaus Mühlhahn, ‘How shaming was used in Chinese history’, *The New York Times*, 31 July 2010
Li Yue [李玥], ‘“Huarong show trial” threatens China’s rule by law’ [‘华容公审’是法治中国的‘害群之马’], *People’s Daily* [人民网], 24 October 2014; Chen Han [陈瀚], ‘Why repeated prohibitions cannot stop “show trials”’ [陈瀚:‘公审公判’为何屡禁不止], Institute of Law – Chinese Academy of Social Sciences [中国法学网], 11 May 2016
Ibid n. 61.
Zhang Chunxian [张春贤], ‘“Strive to write a new chapter in Xinjiang’s social stability and long-term stable rule” – An in-depth study and implementation of the spirit of the second Central Xinjiang Work Symposium’ [张春贤:奋力谱写新疆社会稳定和长治久安新篇章—深入学习贯彻第二次中央新疆工作座谈会精神], *People’s Daily Online* [人民网], 1 August 2014
Zhou Xueguang, *The institutional logic of governance in China*, SDX Joint Publishing Company, Hong Kong, 2017
Elizabeth J Perry, ‘From mass campaigns to managed campaigns: “Constructing a new socialist countryside”‘ in Elizabeth J Perry, Sebastian Heilmann (eds), *Mao’s invisible hand: The political foundations of adaptive governance in China*, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2011; ‘Feng Shizheng: Formations and variations of China’s national campaigns’ [冯仕政:中国国家运动的形成与变异], *Aisixiang* [爱思想], 27 March 2011
Zhou Xueguang, *The institutional logic of governance in China*, p. 127; Elizabeth J Perry, Sebastian Heilmann, ‘Embracing uncertainty: Guerrilla policy style and adaptive governance in China’, in Elizabeth J Perry, Sebastian Heilmann (eds), *Mao’s Invisible Hand*, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, p. 17, 2011
Feng Shizheng, ‘The formation and variation of the national campaigns in China’, [冯仕政:中国国家运动的形成与变异], *Aisixiang* [爱思想], 27 March 2011
Lang Peijuan, ‘Characteristics and disadvantages of “fire-fighting” governance’ [郎佩娟:“救火式”治理特点及弊端], *People’s Daily Magazine* [人民论坛] via China University of Political Science and Law [中国政法大学], 15 July 2016
Zhou Xueguang, *The Institutional Logic of Governance in China*, SDX Joint Publishing Company, Hong Kong, 2017, pp. 146–151
Li Hui [李辉, ‘How does “campaign-style governance” become ongoing?’ [‘运动式治理’缘何长期存在?], *Aisixiang* [爱思想], 9 December 2017
Elizabeth J Perry, Sebastian Heilmann, ‘Embracing uncertainty: Guerrilla policy style and adaptive governance in China’ in Elizabeth J Perry, Sebastian Heilmann (eds), *Mao’s invisible hand: the political foundations of adaptive governance in China*, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2011, 1–37
Deng Xiaoping promised repeatedly to never initiate a mass campaign, despite having initiated the 1983 Strike Hard Campaign. Ye Jiefu [叶介甫], ‘Liu Fuzhi and the “Strike Hard” Campaign of 1983’ [刘复之与1983年‘严打’], *People’s Daily Online* [人民网], 16 December 2013; Zhang Wenxian [张文显], ‘Deng Xiaoping’s democratic rule by law thoughts shall forever shine’’ [邓小平民主法治思想永放光芒], *China Social Sciences Net* [中国社会科学网], 22 August 2014
Jiang Zemin said he would ‘never start some kind of mass campaign’. Jiang Zemin, ‘On politics’ [江泽民:关于讲政治], *Reform Data* [中国改革信息库], 3 March 1996.
Hu Jintao’s famous *bu zheteng* [不折腾] was translated to ‘no self-consuming political movements’ or ‘avoid self-inflicted setbacks’. ‘Chinese Ambassador to Namibia proposed an English translation for the term “*bu zheteng*”’ [我国驻外大使提出‘不折腾’英文译法], *Sina News* [新浪新闻], 18 January 2009
Evan Osnos, ‘Born red: How Xi Jinping, an unremarkable provincial administrator, became China’s most authoritarian leader since Mao’, *The New Yorker*, 30 March 2015
A similarly negative attitude towards campaigns was expressed again by Xi in a 2012 public speech. See Xi Jinping [习近平], ‘Speech during the inspection of poverty alleviation and development work in Fuping County, Hebei Province’ [在河北省阜平县考察扶贫开发工作时的讲话], *China Youth Net* [中国青年网], 15 February 2021; Qiu Ran [邱然], Chen Si [陈思], ‘“Jinping will always be the county party secretary of Zhengding” – about Xi Jinping in Zhending’ [‘近平是正定永不卸任的县委书记’ ——习近平在正定], *Xinhua Net* [新华网], 8 February 2018
‘The Politburo of the Central Committee studies and further promotes social stability and long-term stable rule in Xinjiang’ [中央政治局研究进一步推进新疆社会稳定和长治久安工作], State Council Website [中央政府门户网站], 26 May 2014; ‘Xi Jinping affirms that the strategy of governing Xinjiang is correct, and orders to “strike hard” against violent and terrorist activities’ [习近平肯定治疆方略正确,要求严打暴力恐怖活动], ** [中国新闻网], 29 May 2014; Xi Jinping, ‘Firmly rely on law-based governance in Xinjiang, unity to stabilise Xinjiang, culture to assimilate Xinjiang, the people’s prosperity to rejuvenate Xinjiang. Strive to build a new era of socialist Xinjiang with Chinese characteristics’ [习近平:坚持依法治疆团结稳疆文化润疆富民兴疆长期建疆 努力建设新时代中国特色社会主义新疆], *Xinhua Net* [新华网], 26 September 2020.
Ning Wang, *Banished to the great northern wilderness: Political exile and re-education in Mao’s China*, Cornell University Press, Ithaca, 2017; Charles P Cell, *Revolution at work: Mobilization campaigns in China*, Academic Press, New York, 1977, 67–73; Gordon A Bennett, *Yundong: Mass campaigns in Chinese communist leadership*, Center for Chinese Studies, Berkeley, 1976, 44–45.
Zhou Xueguang, ‘Campaign-style governance mechanism: reflection on the logic of China’s administrative system’ [运动型治理机制: 中国国家治理的制度逻辑再思考], *Open Era* [开放时代], 2012, 105–125; Zhou Xueguang, *The institutional logic of governance in China*; Wang Mingshan [王明山], ‘Create and maintain a new situation in social stability and long-term stable rule [开创维护社会稳定和长治久安新局面], *Public Security Bureau News* [人民公安报], 7 November 2017; ‘The Xinjiang propaganda lecture group giving lectures in Hotan about the spirits of the party’s 19th National Congress’ [党的十九大精神自治区宣讲团在和田宣讲], *Hotan Prefecture Commission for* *Discipline Inspection* [和田地区纪委], 14 November 2014; Li Gang, ‘Ensure the realisation of continuous stability, long-term stability and comprehensive stability’ [李刚:确保实现持续稳定长期稳定全面稳定], *Tianshan News* [天山网], 17 February 2017.
Darren Byler, ‘“The atmosphere has become abnormal”: Han Chinese views from Xinjiang’, *SupChina*, 4 November 2020