唯色 | 警方称伊力哈木“涉嫌分裂国家” 伊力哈木接受外媒采访摘选

此为新疆乌鲁木齐公安局于1月25日20:04发的长微博。并写到:“据侦查,中央民族大学教师伊力哈木•土赫提与境外“东突”势力勾结,利用互联网鼓吹“新疆独立”,利用讲堂煽动“推翻政府”,利用教师身份从事分裂活动,形成了以其为头目的分裂国家犯罪团伙,对国家安全和社会稳定造成严重危害。” 警方:中央民族大学一教师涉嫌分裂国家 2014年01月26日02:18 来源: 京华时报 京华时报讯  昨晚,乌鲁木齐市公安局在其官方微博发布消息称,经缜密侦查,掌握了中央民族大学一名维族教师伊力哈木·土赫提涉嫌分裂国家的确凿证据,目前,案件正在进一步办理之中。    据侦查,中央民族大学教师伊力哈木·土赫提与境外“东突”势力勾结,利用互联网鼓吹“新疆独立”,利用讲堂煽动“推翻政府”,利用教师身份从事分裂活动,形成了以其为头目的分裂国家犯罪团伙,对国家安全和社会稳定造成严重危害。    据介绍,伊力哈木·土赫提创办并利用“维吾尔在线”网站,组织、拉拢、操纵部分人员充当网站管理员、通讯员、信息员,造谣、歪曲、炒作案(事)件,借机制造事端,散布分裂思想,煽动民族仇恨,鼓吹“新疆独立”,从事分裂活动。    伊力哈木·土赫提在课堂上公开宣传“维吾尔人要用暴力的方式开展抗争”,“维吾尔人要像当年反抗日本侵略一样反抗政府”,将“4·23”、“6·26”等暴恐案件暴徒称为“英雄”,煽动学生仇恨国家、仇恨政府、“推翻政府”。    伊力哈木·土赫提利用教师身份,拉拢、诱惑、裹胁一些人员形成团伙,与境外“东突”骨干勾连,策划、组织并派遣人员出境参加分裂活动。    经公安机关缜密侦查,掌握了伊力哈木·土赫提涉嫌分裂国家的确凿证据。    目前,案件正在进一步办理之中。 “Police: Central Minzu University Teacher Ilham Engaged in Separatist Activities” January 25, 2014: 20:15 Urumqi Public Security Bureau According to an investigation, Central Minzu University Teacher Ilham Tohti colluded with outside “East Turkestan” forces, used the internet to promote “Xinjiang Independence;” used the lecture hall to incite the “overthrow of the government,” used his position as a teacher to engage in separatist activities, put together a criminal gang of separatists with himself as ringleader and did serious harm to national security and social harmony. Ilham Tohti established and used the website “Uyghur Online” to organize, lure in, and manipulate a group to serve as website administrators, correspondents and informants, so as to stir up rumors, distortions, and hysteria about criminal cases; and to seize opportunities to manufacture incidents, spread separatist ideas, incite hatred between nationalities, promote “Xinjiang Independence,” and engage in separatist activities. Ilham Tohti propagandized openly in the classroom that “the Uyghur people should use violent means to launch their resistance struggle,” “Uyghurs should copy the resistance to Japanese aggression in years gone by and resist the government; he called the thugs responsible for the “4-23 [2013]” and “6-26 [2013]” cases of violent terror “heroes” and incited students to hate the country, hate the government and “overthrow the government.” Ilham Tohti used his position as a teacher to lure in, seduce, and coerce certain persons to form gangs to collude with an outside “East Turkestan” leadership to plot, organize and dispatch persons abroad to participate in separatist activities.
