
他20多年来一直主张和平的政治变革,公民自由和司法独立。 中共政府立即封锁了刘晓波获奖的消息,称该决定是“亵渎”和平奖。   这个奖项会发挥作用吗?如果对中方政府没有,那对那些与中国打交道的国家呢? 在中国我们可能看到什么样的影响,例如使国际关注会持伤害不同政见者的运动吗?   What Best Serves the Communist Party 对共产党最有利的   Updated October 9, 2010, 01:15 AM   Perry Link is Chancellorial Chair in Teaching Across Disciplines at the University of California, Riverside, and author of “Evening Chats in Beijing,” as well as co-editor of “The Tiananmen Papers.”(林培瑞 加州大学滨河校区教务长,着有《北京夜话》同时是《天安门文件》的编辑者之一)   The Chinese government addresses such issues strictly in terms of one question: What serves the Communist Party’s monopoly grip on power?中国政府处理问题严格依照的标准是:如何有利于共产党对权力的垄断控制?   In the short term, the government’s response to Liu Xiaobo’s peace prize will certainly be to try to expunge all mention of it from the media and the Internet.
