免责声明: 以下内容,有可能引起内心冲突或愤怒等不适症状。若有此症状自觉被误导者,请绕行。若按捺不住看后症状特别明显,可自行前往CCAV等欢乐频道进行综合调理。其余,概不负责。 欢迎转载,转载请注明来源和链接。 每天一图卦,让我们更清楚地了解这个世界 【1】我热爱丢脸! 9月4日深夜,网名 @丽娜华的MOM 微博账号爆出消息,称等待丈夫李阳回心转意,孩子在等着父亲回家。据悉,李阳夫人是名为KIM的美国人,而其3个女儿名字分别为李丽、李娜、李华。在其微博里,有更为详细及发指的控诉。 @李阳疯狂英语 :疯狂英语信念:I enjoy losing face! I enjoy making mistakes! I enjoy being laughed at. I love practicing English. The more mistakes you make, the more progress you will make! 我热爱丢脸!我享受犯错误!我喜欢被人笑话!我狂爱练英语!犯的错误越多,进步就越大!这些理念改变了几代人! @丽娜华的Mom :我热爱丢脸 = 我热爱打我老婆的脸? @丽娜华的Mom :Love China, love yourself, do not use violence toward me in front of our child. @丽娜华的Mom :It would be easier if love had just disappeared the minute that your hand struck my face, but it did not. Seeing that you were having make up applied for TV appearance while I was in hospital hurts more than your slamming my head on the floor.