原作者: 来源 China's film industry: Kung fu propaganda | The Economist 译者 庞冰心 China’s film industry Kung fu propaganda 中国电影业 功夫宣传 There’s a ton of easy money in praising the party 赞美歌颂党的电影容易轻松赚大钱。 Jul 14th 2011 | HONG KONG | from the print edition 2011年7月14日|香港|选自打印版 THERE are two ways to make a box-office smash. One is to take an exciting script, hire famous actors, shoot a rollercoaster of a film, distribute it widely and market it deftly. This is the Hollywood way, and it worked pretty well for Harry Potter. 制 作 创票房记录的大片有两种方式。一种是选一部激动人心的剧本,请大牌明星来演,拍出电影中令人惊心动魄的场面,广而告之,将其巧妙地推销出去。这是好莱坞惯用的方式,对《哈利波特》来说成效颇大。 The Beijing way shares some features with the Hollywood way, such as hiring lots of stars and distributing the film widely. But the magic ingredient behind China’s latest blockbuster was one unavailable to the mightiest Tinseltown mogul. It was the power of the party