唯色 | 境内藏人自焚20人,纽约时报报道19人的理由
昨天(2月5日)中午,我接受了纽约时报的电话采访,是关于2月4日在西藏东部色达(今四川省甘孜藏族自治州色达县)发生的3位藏人自焚事件。我并且强调了,迄今,自焚的境内藏人已达20人! 我也告诉记者的翻译,我在博客上记录了这 最新的消息 。 但看到 纽约时报的报道 时,我发现,关于自焚的境内藏人,纽约时报写的却是19人,而不是20人!也即是说,依然忽略了2009年的第一起自焚!依然是从去年境内藏人的自焚算起,可这是为什么呢?! 我向记者翻译询问了原因。回复说:“编辑们讨论了很久是写‘2009年以来20起’还是写‘近一年来19起’,最后认为后者更能表达出事态的严重,是编辑们投票的结果。” 虽然新闻报道是要突出事态严重性,但我还是认为,不应该忽略2009年发生在境内藏地的第一起自焚。其实报道中如果多写一句话,介绍境内藏人的第一起自焚发生于2009年,那么富含的意义会更多。要知道,2009年的第一起自焚其实意义很重要,在境内藏人的系列自焚中是开端,是率先。 另外,如果只从2011年说起,可能会有歧义出现,比如已经有评论认为藏人自焚是受了引发中东“茉莉花革命”的突尼斯小贩自焚(时为2010年12月17日)的影响,显然并非如此。当然纽约时报的这篇报道并没有如是说。 在以身自焚这么大的生命事件面前,是20人就是20人,多一人少一人都不应该。独裁者斯大林说过一句冷冰冰的话:“一个人的死亡是悲剧,而一百万人的死亡只是一个数字。”对于我们来说,20位自焚的境内藏人不是可以减少的数字,而是一个一个、直至二十个原本活生生的生命。 值得一提的是,纽约时报方面在知道我的意见之后,显然是重视的。很快我得到翻译的回复:“已经按照你的意见修改了。请在晚上七点以后再看一下网站的报道。”据说要在这句话——“过去一年中藏人自焚总数增加到19起”——后面,将2009年的第一起自焚补充进去。如果是这样,不失为负责任的态度,应当致谢。 不过,直到此刻,我在纽约时报的网站上还没有看到修改,也许会再晚些时候吧。。。 以下为纽约时报的原文: 3 Tibetan Herders Self-Immolate in Anti-Chinese Protest By SHARON LaFRANIERE Published: February 5, 2012 BEIJING — In a fresh illustration of growing turmoil among ethnic Tibetans in Sichuan Province, three livestock herders have set themselves on fire to protest what they saw as political and religious repression at the hands of the Chinese authorities, according to a Tibetan rights group and an ethnic Tibetan living in Beijing. The latest cases bring the total self-immolations by ethnic Tibetans over the past year to 19. They were also apparently the first by lay people, rather than current or former members of the clergy, suggesting that self-immolation may be gaining popularity as a form of dissent. The self-immolations took place Friday in a remote village in Seda County, once a center of Buddhist teaching, but reports did not surface until the weekend because the government had cut off Internet and telephone connections to the area, said Tsering Woeser, a Tibetan poet in Beijing. She said that one of the three men had died and that the two others, believed to be about 30 and 60 years old, were severely injured. The Chinese government has sealed off a number of counties in the region and intensified security in an attempt to curtail the largest outbreak of unrest among ethnic Tibetans since the 2008 riots in Tibet’s capital, Lhasa, and elsewhere