唯色 | 伊力哈木被判无期徒刑!
维吾尔学者、中央民族大学副教授伊力哈木·土赫提(Ilham Tohti)被控“分裂国家”,23日上午十时乌鲁木齐市中级法院第十二法庭一审宣判,被判处无期徒刑,没收个人全部财产!伊力哈木的律师刘晓原发推:“三小时十分钟过去了,刚接到家属电话,说宣判刚结束。伊力哈木被以分裂国家罪判处无期徒刑,并处没收全部财产。伊力哈木说了一句,不服判决,抗议!就被法警押出法庭。”伊力哈木的女儿菊尔·伊力哈木(Jewher Ilham)发推:“我也不服!我抗议!”王力雄发推:“2014年9月23日,当局制造了一位维吾尔的曼德拉”。王力雄发推:“2014年1月8日我见伊力哈木时拍了这张照片,那时并未想到是最后一面。几天后(1月15日)他在北京家中被抓走,今天他在乌鲁木齐被判无期徒刑。但我并不相信今后只能无期地从这张照片见他,因为正义的迟到一定不会是无期!”伊力哈木的妻子古再努尔(Guzaili Nu’er)在法庭现场听到判决结果,悲痛欲绝。李方平律师说:“开庭前、开庭后。庭前忧郁,庭后放身大哭,连走路都要搀扶。丈夫无期,两个孩子一个四岁,一个七岁,未来之路…伊力哈木的律师李方平在微信上发布了判决书的其中一页,刘晓原律师说:“2009年9月立案,直到2014年1月抓人,期间长达4年多。”我在推特上再次转发了2009年11月1日我对伊力哈木的采访视频,以及他当时的几段就像是针对今天所说的话:因言论获罪,因为办了媒体获罪,因为说了真话获罪Where you can go to jail for what you say, for running a website, for just speaking the truth我愿意,我觉得是很荣耀的事情Which for me would be an honor而且真的那种时刻出现的话As I’ve said before我以前就说过,用我卑微的生命呼唤自由To trade my humble life to call for freedom这是幸福的事情,骄傲的事情Gladly, I’d be proud to所以这不应该是很痛苦的So this probably won’t hurt much短期,一听的时候可能紧张,我有过The thought makes me nervous, but not for long但可能只持续几分钟,甚至可能是几个小时A few minutes, or at most a few hours我唯一的牵挂就是母亲和孩子们My only concern is for mother and the children要是判死刑,我有心理准备I’m even prepared for the possibility of a death sentence这也许是我们民族的人要付出的代价吧That just might be the price our people have to pay我伊力哈木付出代价,虽然把我送进去When I, Ilham Tohti, pay that price; then though I may have to go in可能更能引起对我们民族的关注Perhaps that will draw more attention to the plight of our people可能引起更多的思考People will think more about it可能引起我们民族内部、还有外边的……And perhaps more people will know about me更何况很多汉人、很多外国的朋友、很多不同民族的朋友知道我Uyghur, Han, foreign friends, people from other ethnic groups而且知道我的理念Will learn about me and my ideas我不是暴力的,我没有任何违法的事情Learn that I was not violent, hadn’t broken any law只不过,我真的努力想发表一些声音And that I only tried hard to make our voice heard努力把我们的文化,我们的一些情况…And to speak about our culture and our situation…虽然我们做的不好Although we’ve not been perfect还有,我认为我不在的话“维吾尔在线”可能搞的更好And, I think Uyghur Online could be even better run if I weren’t around将来很多朋友,像你这样的朋友,我相信你们的良知I believe in the conscience of my friends, friends like you有人说我是维吾尔的良知,我不够格Some say I’m the Uyghur people’s conscience, I think that overstates it / I can’t live up to that我希望维吾尔人的良知在我身上体现I hope to see the Uyghur people’s conscience in many others像在很多人的身上体现Not just in me.我尽量成为有良知的人,对民族有良知的人I’ve done my best to be a person of conscience, conscience toward the Uyghur people要成为民族的良知是很骄傲的That’s something to be proud of我是很幸运的呀And indeed I am lucky我很骄傲,若我真的做到的话And proud, if I can truly be that person而且我也想,我有生之年要是能创造出某种理论或者模式And I think, if with the time I have left, I can come up with ideas, with a model维吾尔人能和平地争取自治的权利,一种抗争的模式A way for Uyghurs to struggle peacefully for their right to autonomy, a mode of resistance而且能够取得主流社会的认同,我觉得死了也很幸福的And win acceptance from mainstream society, my death will have been worth that我不喜欢暴力,我不会提倡暴力I don’t like violence and I won’t advocate it我并不认为汉民族是我们的敌人And I definitely don’t think the Han are our enemy哪怕是再这样,仇恨、仇杀发生的时候Not even if racial hatred or killings should happen again甚至发生民族屠杀的时候Even if genocide were to happen我也会呼吁:汉民族应该是我们的朋友I would still say: the Han should be our friends!我也会说出:我们应该成为朋友而不是敌人I would say: We should be friends, not enemies但是这个国家什么事都会发生But in this country anything is possible所以呢,你都会随时有准备Which is why I’m already prepared你没有想过的很惨的事情,也会发生在你的家庭,你的身上…That the unthinkable could happen, to your family or yourself我也有疑虑,当把我污名化的时候I have doubts, like when they smear my name比如,说我卖白粉、说我卖武器、说我组织过暴力Say I peddled coke or sold weapons, or organized violence我是东突恐怖分子,甚至说他去过拉登的基地Or that I’m an East Turkestan terrorist, or even that I’ve trained with Bin Laden他是拉登的人,他是美国的特务That I’m agent of his, or America’s他是热比亚的人,他是世维会在中国的什么……Or that I work for Rebiya Kadeer, or I’m the World Uyghur Congress’ man in China, etc…我不知道,反正各种的东西……I don’t know, all sorts of stuff…所以呢,很多东西无所谓,应该勇敢地面对So whatever happens, we should face it with courage当然呢,我是很希望到时候依法处理,这是一Of course, first, I want to see things done according to law二,很希望不要因为我而和汉民族之间发生仇恨的事情And second, I don’t want to see any conflicts/tension? with the Han just because of me当然呢,我也不希望这个时候没有维吾尔人的声音And I hope when the time comes, we will hear Uyghur汉人的声音,理性的声音And Han people speak up, we will hear the voice of reason?这是我对汉民族的期望,对维吾尔民族的期望This is my hope for the Han people and for the Uyghurs对两者的期望My hope for both peoples第三呢,我很希望,哪怕出现死亡的事情,把我埋在新疆Third, I hope that if I do end up dead, I’m buried in Xinjiang就是维吾尔人的家园Which is home for Uyghurs哪怕是冰山上,哪怕在沙漠或是路边It could be on an iceberg, in the desert, even by the side of the road我希望别让我的遗体留在新疆之外的地区I just don’t want my body to be buried outside of Xinjiang然后,最担心的就是孩子了Lastly, I worry most about my children怕他们遭到迫害,因为他们已经遭到了迫害I’m afraid they’ll face persecution, more than they already have他们没有学校上,旁听生Forced to merely audit classes at schools that won’t take them as regular students我怕到那时候旁听生都没有了I’m afraid later they won’t even be able to audit classes小孩儿会很茫然,不知道(怎么办)My kids will be lost, and there won’t be anything I can do我相信我女儿的良知,她很不一样I believe in my daughter, there’s something special about her.她受我影响很大,我相信她的良知I have influenced her a lot/Much of what she knows she learned from me, I trust her conscience她会成为一个有道德,爱自己的民族,爱人的人I trust that she will grow into a moral person who loves her people, loves all people我就担心她遭到迫害But I worry people will go after her还有一个担心,妻子现在又有孩子了My other worry stems from my wife, who is now again pregnant她没有工作,将来回新疆也不可能有工作She’s unemployed now, and when she returns to Xinjiang she will not be able to find work就是我将来的孩子……我妈妈也老了My future child, and my mother who is getting on…我就担心我家的两个孩子…I’m worried about my two children…但可能很残忍的,虽然很担心……明白吧?It could all end tragically, in spite of my worries, you know what I mean?但我觉得没有办法,需要付出的代价嘛,虽然你不愿意But there’s nothing I can do.