《中英對照讀新聞》Tutu hopes S.Africa defies China over Dalai Lama 圖圖主教希望南非政府為達賴喇嘛向中國挺直腰桿


Activist Desmond Tutu said South Africa’s government will “shoot themselves in the foot” if they deny a visa to the Dalai Lama to please key trade partner China, a report said recently.


Tutu invited the exiled Tibetan spiritual leader to his 80th birthday celebrations next month but Pretoria has yet to announce if it will grant him a visa after denying his entry in 2009 over fears of angering Beijing.


“I mean it’s so sad to think that we have had a kind of experience of repression that we have had in that we should want to kowtow to a hugely repressive regime that can dictate to us about freedom and things of that kind.” “For oldies like us…it just gives us a sadness,” Tutu added.


The two Nobel Peace Prize laureates are close friends and the Dalai Lama is due to give an inaugural peace lecture to mark Tutu’s October 7 birthday.


“This is not someone who is coming to speak about encouraging people to fight. He’s speaking about peace and compassion, about caring, and he has one of the largest followings in the world,” said Tutu.



shoot in the foot:片語,指做出或說出對自己不利的事,搬石頭砸自己的腳,如He shot himself in the foot by suggesting that women politicians were incompetent.(他暗示女性政治人物能力不足的說法簡直是自掘墳墓。)

kowtow:動詞,指對某人、某事或權威卑躬屈膝,磕頭,如She refused to kowtow to their demands.(她拒絕向他們的要求低頭。)


