说明真相是世界上最简单的事情。相反制造谎言非常困难,每一个细节都必须吻合才能不露破绽。谎言只能用更多的谎言来掩盖。要保证不穿帮几乎没有可能。据纽约时报报道,去年北京一个春天的晚上,薄瓜瓜驾法拉利与美国驻中国大使洪的女儿晚餐约会。薄熙来薄瓜瓜一口否认,根本就没有什么法拉利。纽约时报锲而不舍,终于把法拉利讲成了罗生门的故事:Details Are Refuted in Tale of Bo Guagua’s Red Ferrari

重点提要:说薄瓜瓜开法拉利的正是晚餐约会的女主角,洪博培的大女儿Mary Anne Huntsman。那天晚餐结束后,薄瓜瓜和他的欧洲朋友带着Mary开法拉利去酒吧。Mary和这两位绅士酒吧里待了一两个小时,最后自己打出租车回家!

Bo Guagua,the younger son of the leader, Bo Xilai。
Mary Anne Huntsman, 27, Mr. Huntsman’s eldest daughter。
Abby Huntsman Livingston, a daughter of the ambassador。

洪博培Jon M. Huntsman Jr. United States Ambassador to China from 2009 to 2011.
薄熙来Bo Xilai
薄瓜瓜Bo Guagua
Ms. Livingston
three others present at the dinner.

Bo Guagua, arrived one evening last spring at the home of the United States ambassador to pick up one of the ambassador’s daughters for a dinner date. He was supposedly wearing a tuxedo and driving a red Ferrari.


Mr. Bo Xilai gave a news conference at the annual National People’s Congress in Beijing, saying “a few people have been pouring filth on Chongqing and me and my family” and called the Ferrari story “sheer rubbish.”

“I did not drive at all that evening, and certainly did not sit in a red sports car,” Bo Guagua said by telephone on Friday, in his first interview since his father was deposed and both parents were put under investigation. “I’m not sure where this story comes from.”

故事4,参加晚餐的人之一(one of the three person who had been at the dinner):
Mr. Huntsman had met the younger Mr. Bo and his father before in Chongqing and had been so impressed that he wanted the children to get together. Mr. Bo said he had arrived at the dinner in a black Audi sedan driven by a chauffeur, a common car among families of senior officials.

故事5,Ms. Livingston 的故事:
My dad’s version of the story has always been a reflection of what we told him.

The woman who had organized the dinner picked up Ms. Livingston and her sister at the ambassador’s residence and drove them to Nobu, an upscale Japanese restaurant. There, they met Mr. Bo for the first time, along with several other strangers.

The dinner lasted more than an hour. Then Mr. Bo, Mary Anne Huntsman and a European friend of Mr. Bo’s left for a bar. Ms. Huntsman stayed there for an hour or two before taking a taxi home.

Ms. Huntsman had told her that she left Nobu with Mr. Bo and his European friend and got into a red sports car, which Mr. Bo drove to a bar “at a very fast speed.”

“Mary Anne described it as a Ferrari, but she is not completely knowledgeable about cars and doesn’t want to mistake the actual car type.”

故事6,参加晚餐的人之二(Mr. Bo’s European friend):
Mr. Bo and his driver had picked him up for dinner in the black Audi, and then they had gone in that same car with Ms. Huntsman to the bar. He said, “In no way was there a red car.”

故事7,参加晚餐的人之三(The organizer, a member of the expatriate community in Beijing):
The organizer, a member of the expatriate community in Beijing who spoke only on the condition of anonymity, gave her account of the dinner in an interview, and it matched Ms. Livingston’s.


Though everyone agrees on how the daughters were picked up for dinner, there are competing accounts among Mr. Bo and the daughters of some details later that night.

It is unclear why Mr. Huntsman passed on a different account or why his daughters did not seek earlier to correct it. Ms. Livingston declined to address those questions.


薄瓜瓜的法拉利故事源头是洪博培的两个女儿,大女儿Mary Anne Huntsman, 和另一个女儿 Abby Huntsman Livingston。薄瓜瓜那天约会的是Mary。Abby参加了晚餐但是没有去酒吧。薄瓜瓜开法拉利和一个欧洲朋友带Mary去酒吧,这件事后来Mary告诉了妹妹Abby。洪博培从Mary 或者Abby 那里听到这件事,把这件事告诉给了纽约时报的记者,还告诉给了美国大使馆的两个同事。

堂堂一个美国大使说这些干嘛?没有人觉得奇怪吗?薄瓜瓜和一个欧洲朋友带着Mary开着法拉利去酒吧。Mary和他们两个男人在酒吧待了1到2个小时。最后Mary taking a taxi home!这才是为什么洪博培要到处讲这个故事的真正原因。






